Neurons: Functional Units of the Nervous System
Structure of a Neuron Axon Dendrites Soma Synapse Myelin
Neuron Morphologies
Purkinje Cells – by Cajal
Hippocampus Pyramidal Cells
Giant Motor Neuron
The Resting Potential + Na + K+K+ - OUT IN Na + K+K+ K+K+ V m = -70 mV The Na + /K + Pump
Measuring Membrane Voltage Borrowed from:
Ion Channels: Voltage Gated vs. Ligand Gated
K + Channel: Molecular Structure YWEOYyMMDZFvburfsTAG
Comparing Molecular Structures of Na +, Ca ++, K + and Cl - Ion Channels
Action Potentials V m = -70 mV + - OUT IN Na + K+K+ K+K+ K+K+ - OUT IN K+K+ Na + K+K+ K+K OUT IN Na + K+K+ K+K+ K+K+ K+K+ V m = +40 mV V m = -80 mV 0-1, 5 Time (ms)
Conduction of Electrical Impulse
Wave of Depolarization
Saltatory Conduction in Mylenated Axons
The Synapse axo-dendritic synapse axo-somatic synapse axo-axonic synapse
Synapses on a Cell Body
Synapses On a Hippocampal Neuron Visualization of synaptic sites by synaptophysin immunostaining on cultured hippocampal neurons
Structure of the Synapse PSD
Synaptic Transmission Steps: 1.Nerve impulse 2.Ca ++ influx 3.Vesicle fusion/neurotransmitter release 4.Postsynaptic signal transduction 5.Degradation/reuptake
Summation of Post-Synaptic Potentials: Threshold
Excitatory vs. Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Membrane Potentials EPSP IPSP
Excitatory vs. Inhibitory Synapses Excitatory: asymmetrical Inhibitory: symmetrical D: dendrite
Synapse Quiz C A D B E F Word Bank 1.presynaptic cell 2.postsynaptic cell 3.transmitter vesicles 4.synaptic gap or cleft 5.PostSynaptic Density (PSD) 6.mitochondrion
Neurotransmitters in the Brain acetylcholine Amino Acids: Mono-amines: Peptides: Others: glutamateGABA serine serotonin dopamine histamine B-endorphin excitatory inhibitory both
Effects of Cocaine on Dopamine Reuptake Cocaine blocks dopamine reuptake, enhancing the effect of dopamine in the brain’s “pleasure” center