Caraway is native to the area surrounding the Mediterranean and Europe, and there were also records of the spice in India.
At first, Caraway was only used in antiquity. In ancient times, Egyptians used the caraway seed to protect the dead from evil spirits. Also, Greeks and Romans used it as food, and Caesar’s army ate Chara, which is a bread made of caraway’s root. Its use and cultivation spread from Arabia to Northern Europe during the middle ages. Caraway’s seeds were found in debris in lakes in Switzerland.
Caraway is most commonly found in whole and ground form. Whole form Ground form
Caraway’s flavor is described to be sweet, but slightly sharp.
Caraway is commonly used in breads, fruits, and cakes. It is also used in foods of Germany, Austria, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and India. Bread with Caraway Irish Caraway Cake
The most common dishes that contain caraway are desserts, liquors, casseroles, curry, etc. Sour Cherry Caraway Fritters Beef and Beer Casserole with Caraway Dumplings
Some specific recipes that contain caraway are rye bread, potato soup, fried potatoes, and blanched cabbage with butter.
The price range of caraway and caraway seeds usually run between four to five dollars. The price of caraway per pound is approximately $3.80, which is around the same price as most other commonly used spices.
1 1/2 lbs. pork shoulder, cubed 1/2 c. chopped onion 2 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. salt 1/2 c. water 2 or 3 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tsp. caraway seed 1 lg. can sauerkraut, drained Brown pork in 1 tablespoon fat. When browned, add onions and brown a few minutes more. Add 1/2 cup water, paprika and salt and simmer 1 hour. Mix sauerkraut with sugar and caraway seed and stir into pork. Simmer or steam 15 to 20 minutes. Read more about it at Content Copyright © 2012 - All rights reserved.