Objective To look at how cross-curricular activities can provide opportunities for writing
Contents Why the renewed framework? An overview of the contents for literacy ICT Key pedagogies for writing Planning for writing across the curriculum
Why the renewed framework? 6 key areas which underpin the effective implementation of the Primary Framework Improving the teaching of early reading Encouraging flexibility Structuring Raising expectations Making more effective use of assessment Broadening and strengthening pedagogy
Moral purpose Raise the bar Narrow the gap
Strands of objectives 12 strands 1-4 speaking and listening 5-12 read and write for a range of purposes on paper and on screen
Strands of objectives Could be seen as 1-4 opportunities for activities 5-8 the development of core skills 9-12 using the key skills to develop writing: application
Overview of learning This is where you will find more details to support the strands Page 103 onwards in year groups More in the planning section of the electronic framework
Support for subject leaders Head teacher’s handbook Subject leader DVD now in school
ICT Key role Resources on the framework Keys to learning DVD DfES PCK-EN
Key pedagogies Teacher craft knowledge Assessment for learning Speaking and listening Demonstration writing Guided writing
Personalised learning What does each individual child need to know in order to move forward?
The cross-curricular model Engage and inspire teachers and pupils Whole school approach Which driver is appropriate for your school?
Geography as a driver The process JM/KF Leading teachers ICT support Links to renewed framework
Geography driver with ICT Time to look in school pairs Initial thoughts? What driver would you use in your school? Would it work in the same way? How would you take this forward?
Geography driver linked to the renewed framework Time to look Linked to numbered strands 1 Speaking 2 Listening and responding 3 Group interaction and discussion 4 Drama 9 Creating and shaping texts 10 Text structure and organisation Selection of links