© Crown copyright 2006 Renewing the Frameworks Underperforming groups
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright AspectsDay 1Day 3Day 5 Improvement and change Introduction: key themes and revisions Supporting underperforming groups Planning and sustaining change Framework structure and content CalculationUsing and applying mathematics Assessment for learning in mathematics Teaching and learning mathematics Teaching strategies Enriching and enhancing teaching and learning Oral and mental work – speaking and listening Subject leadership role and expectations Leading improvement: supporting colleagues Driving improvement: improving pedagogy Reviewing impact and progress: making a difference Day 3: Overview
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Objectives for session 3 To reflect on Days 1 and 2 To reflect on how a focus on Assessment for Learning will impact on the support for and progress of underperforming groups To continue to become more familiar with the electronic Framework
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Tasks for Day 2 Share the key messages and implications from day 1 with the Senior Leadership Team Use the electronic framework to: Prepare for PDM1 and PDM2 Read the Guidance Papers appropriate to the school’s priority Identify the target groups of children Undertake some action research with your target group on the agreed focus Report on the above on Day 3
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Discussion about Day 2 What have you done? What have you learnt? Write 3 observations to feed back to the group
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Under performing groups What do we understand by under performance? Activity: What are the barriers to progress in maths?
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Types of barriers to progress, errors or misunderstanding Language Conceptual Procedural
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Language What is the difference between twelve and sixteen? Why might nearly half Year 2 children get this question wrong?
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright EAL toolkit Primary National Strategy: Excellence & Enjoyment: Learning & teaching for bilingual children in the primary years Ref: PCK-EN From DfES Publications
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright A sequence for teaching children new vocabulary From: Excellence and Enjoyment: learning and teaching for bilingual children in the primary years. Professional development materials. DfES PCK-EN Tel: Model it in context Use it in questions Prompt for it and elicit it Repeat it Draw attention to it and use it in other contexts Display it with visual support Provide opportunities for children to practise it Give specific positive feedback about its use Encourage children to reflect on the way they use it
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Reading mathematics 23, -23 (2, 3) 23, 0.23, , 2 - 3, 2 x 3, 2 ÷ 3, ¾, ⅓ 2 < 3 23° 23% = 12,
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Conceptual Why might children (or practitioners): A. not identify the following shapes as rectangles B. calculate 24% of 525 by finding one twenty- fourth of 525 C. put these decimal numbers in this order: 73.5, 73.32, 73.64
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Misconceptions in subtraction _ _ What is the child thinking here?
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright _ _ 2 Can’t take 7 from 6 Cross out the 7 to make 6 and add 1 to 6 above to make Can’t take 7 from 6 Take 100 from the 2 and add 1 to the 6 to make 7. Misconceptions in subtraction
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Pathway Mathematics Planning Year 4 Counting, partitioning and calculating Resources (Y4) mathematics block A Scroll to assessment for learning
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Teaching Sequence Review – Teach – Practise - Apply - Review
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Task In preparation for Day 5: Try out some of the Assessment for Learning questions from a relevant Unit with your own class or with an underperforming group Be ready to feedback on Day 5
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Next steps You will need to consider: use of particular models and images use of practical resources that offer a wide variety of examples exceptional cases that test children’s assumptions and move their thinking on specific activities to develop mathematical vocabulary or language the use of talk partners the use of ICT
Primary and Secondary National Strategies © Crown copyright Next steps You will need to consider: tailoring of intervention resources to meet the specific needs of the underperforming group of children making use of additional adults and alternative resources deciding whether more time could be allocated to supporting these children integrating any intervention materials into the whole curriculum