Separating the Wheat from the Chaff An MLIS Student Perspective on Information Overload and the Evolving Role of the 21 st Century Librarian Suzanne van den Hoogen April 24, 2009 DLI 2009 Atlantic Training Workshop
Outline Introduction 21 st Century Librarian More than meets the eye! What is Data? a glance... Information Overload Challenges & Opportunities: Keeping Pace with Technology Opportunities & Challenges Outcomes Conclusion
21 st Century Librarians... "Today's librarian is a well-trained, technology- savvy, information expert who can enrich the learning process of any library user--from early reader to graduate student to young Web surfer to retiring senior citizen." (ALA, 2009, para. 7) Image Source: Image Source:
More than meets the eye! Information Professionals Academic Librarians Public Librarians Special Librarians Managers Records Managers Archivists Metadata Experts Web Designers Information Technology Experts Information Consultants Critical Thinkers
What is Data? “Factual information, especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions.” data. Answers.Com. (2009). Retrieved April 19, 2009 from Image Source:
a glance... Organization of Information How to Evaluate Websites Users and Services Community Analysis (Stats Can) Research Methods SPSS, Excel Reference (Business Sources) Databases, Electronic Resources E-Stat, CANSIM,etc. Global Information Systems ESRI Spatial Data Infrastructures Metadata Image Source:
a glance... Con’t Information Management Systems Open Source Web 2.0, Libraries 2.0 Wikis & Blogs Social Networking E-Text Design HTML, XML, TEI, CSS Database Management Access 2007 Information Policy Copyright © Image Source:
Information Overload T he Internet and search engines like Google or Yahoo! may have brought sorting and retrieval of front-line information into the living room, but deeper searches demand patience. Given the plethora of information available, the Internet has heightened the need for more and better librarians to filter the wheat from the chaff. Image Source: (Raggett, P., 2006, Para.4)
Challenges & Opportunities: Keeping Pace with Technology Collaborative Partnerships Workshops Conferences Professional Development Continued Education Webcasts/Webinars Newsletters Teach others what you learn Journals Blogs Wikis List-Serves RSS Feeds Social Networks Networking Initiative Lifelong Learning Management Support Time
Outcomes Increased comfort with technology Currency Exposure to online technologies: Wikis, Blogs, Social Networks, etc. Experts in managing data Improved Services & Patron Satisfaction: i.e., Virtual Reference Lifelong Learning Opportunities
Conclusion World of information at our disposal
References American Library Association (ALA) Key messages. Retrieved April 19, 2009 from Raggett, P. (2006, October). Librarians in the 21 st century: Libraries are set to become more important than ever. Retrieved April 19, 2009 from the_21st_century.html the_21st_century.html