§ Title: Behavior Based Safety (BBS) Concept, implementation of STOPTM and driving improvements at Fujairah 1 Independent Water and Power Plant (IWPP) Entity: Sembcorp Gulf O&M Company Limited Speaker: Saleem Ahmed- Manager EHS
BBS- The Concept Heinrich Accident Pyramid (1931) Heinrich published his book Industrial Accident Prevention, A Scientific Approach in 1931. One empirical finding from his book became known as Heinrich's Law: that in a workplace, for every accident that causes a major injury, there are 29 accidents that cause minor injuries and 300 accidents that cause no injuries. Continued…
BBS- The Concept Frank E. Bird (1969) Inspired by Heinrich work, he did 4000 hrs confidential interviews with supervisors on the occurrence of incidents which under slightly different circumstance could lead to injury or property loss. The conclusion on the basis of these interviews showed 600 incident leading to one major accident. Continued…
BBS- The Concept Domino Theory According to Heinrich the accident is avoided by removing the middle one (unsafe act) of the dominos. This theory provided the foundation for accident prevention measures, aimed at preventing unsafe acts or unsafe conditions. The first update of the Domino Theory was presented by Bird & Loftus. This update introduced two new concepts; The influence of management of managerial error Loss, as result of accident could be production loss, property damage or wastage of other asset, as well as injuries………………………...continued
BBS- The Concept International loss Control Institute or ILCI model The domino model has been noted as a one dimensional sequence of events. Accidents are usually multi-factoral and develop relatively lengthy sequence of changes and errors. This has led to the principle of multi causation
BBS- The Concept Multi causation theory This theory argues that for every accident there may be many contributing surface & root causes. These factor may include, Environmental Factor: Hazardous condition such as improper guarding, defective equipment, tools…etc Behavioral Factor: Such as improper attitude, lack of knowledge / skills, inadequate physical & mental condition…etc (it is important to understand that there are underlying causes for these behavioral factors. Management can have great influence over these factors)
BBS- The Concept Conoco Phillips Marine (2003) Conoco conducted a similar study in 2003 demonstrating a large difference in the ratio of serious accidents & near misses
BBS- The Concept Traditional Safety Approaches There are many ways to improve safety culture such as: 1- Apply more procedural controls 2- Through an effective supervision and training program 3- Increase surveillance/ monitoring/ site EHS inspections 4- Discussion on safety related issues at different forums such as EHS committee meetings, management reviews etc. 5- Investigate and analyze incidents reports to review if the existing control measures are adequate 6- Etc.
BBS- The Concept Limitations of the Traditional Safety Approaches Most of these approaches are: 1- Management driven 2- Focus on reactive strategies such as looking at the incident reports/ statistics i.e. lagging indicators 3- Focus on preventive controls and trainings to help mitigate workplace hazards 4- Compliance based/ focus on accountabilities
BBS- The Concept Behavior Based Safety (BBS) Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is: 1- A proactive approach 2- Aiming to increase/ reinforce positive safety behaviors 3- Helping in decreasing at-risk behaviors and reduce injuries IMPORTANT NOTES: Individuals take responsibility for the safety of their co-workers in addition to themselves. It is not a substitute for an already existing comprehensive health and safety programme; it is a supplementary tool that will enhance the effect of already existing practices, and will allow for an objective measurement system.
BBS- STOPTM Launch at F1 Fujairah 1 IWPP partnered with DuPont to launch the first Behavior Based Safety Program (BBS) STOP™ during the first week of May 2015. The management team at F1, has taken the initiative of improving the safety culture within the organization through the implementation of Safety Training Observation Program (STOPTM), which is one of the DuPont’s trademarked programs.
BBS- DuPont’s Concept Behavior Based Safety (BBS)- DuPont’s Bradley Curve
DuPont’s Methodology Creating a safe working environment is about more than removing hazards and instituting safety procedures. It is about people, their attitudes, how they behave and how they think. They are the critical factors in making the workplace safe. Safety management is a means and methodology of changing behaviour that results in a mindset of safety.
Application of BBS at F1 The program is comprising of 3 steps process On-site Safety Observations Active observations using the “total observation technique” Engage in discussion for unsafe act/ or condition or safe act/ condition Safety Observations Data Collection Complete number of site visits as assigned and record observations on STOPTM cards Communicate Analysis Results/ Trends In order to get maximum buy in for the process, and to be effective in creating a safety culture shift, it is essential that the analysis results are communicated back to everyone in the organisation.
Behavior Based Safety Observations (BBSO) ‘Total Observation’ Technique
BBSO Data Collection
BBSO Data Analysis
Promotion of Behavioral based safety in THE Organization START GOAL Questions to be asked: 1- Where are we now? 2- Where we want to be? 3- How will we get there? ACT ACCORDINGLY Top Management to ACT and provide tangible solutions RECORD AND REPORT Take note of all the feedbacks and record all information then report to the top management COMMUNICATE Invest time in talking with the employees MANAGEMENT DECISION AND INITIATIVE Investment Training REVIEW YOUR INDICATORS Incidents, Accidents, Near Misses Safety Violation Reports
Behavioral Based Safety ohsms implementation WILL PROVIDE A PLATFORM FOR promoting Behavioral based safety OBSERVATIONS OHSMS IMPLEMENTATION DESIRED OUTCOMES MEASUREMENT A management tool to integrate various OHSMS components to achieve the business objectives in a responsible manner Policy Organization Planning and Implementation Monitoring for Compliance Incident Investigation and Reporting Auditing Review Provide a safe/ accident free environment Compliance to safety requirements Employees Participation and Involvements Behavioral Based Safety More BBSO Less Near Misses/ First Aid Injuries No Serious Incidents/ Fatal injures COMPANY’S PRIDE COMPANY’S EXPECTATIONS MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT
BBSO- It’s all about Positive Reinforcement Source: An example from Behavior Based Safety Guide published by Health & Safety Authority (www.hsa.ie)
Thank you & STAY SAFE