The Big 6 Model for Effective Research While Researching specific topics and how they work you will be using the Big 6 Model for Effective Research to help you in your research process.
Big 6 Step 1 Task Definition Define the problem or task that you need to solve. Look over your rubric for the current assignment. What is required that you must complete? What information do I need to start this task?
Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies What types of sources do you need to complete this assignment?
Step 3: Location and Access Where can you locate and access the materials to complete this assignment? Evaluate Credible Websites and Resources. Are all Websites Credible? Jot down a few websites that you feel may not be credible for this assignment.
5 Criteria for Evaluating Websites 1: Accuracy of Web Documents Who wrote the page? Can you contact them? What is the purpose of the document and why was it produced? Is this person qualified to write this document?
2: Authority of Web Documents Who published this document? Is it different from the Webmaster? Check the domain, is there a group associated with this document? Does the group or publisher list their qualifications in their field?
Objectivity of Web Documents What are the objectives of this page? Be weary of companies advertising to sell products How detailed in the information? Can you see noticeable gaps in the information? Does the author express his opinions? Would this be biased and steer away from factual information?
Coverage of the Website What links does this site offer? Do they compliment the information you are looking for? Is the information on this site cited correctly
Step 4: Use of Information When you are researching ask yourself the following questions. Doe the information on this article give me in depth content that is relevant to my topic? What information am I going to use in my PowerPoint (Keynote) ?
Step 5: Synthesis For your final product how are you going to display this information? In Mrs. S’s class you will display your information that you have gathered and presented in Powerpoint (or Keynote) slides to show to the class.
Step 6: Evaluation At the very end of your project, look back and make sure that you have covered every step. 1: Did you complete the objectives given to you for this assignment? 2: Have you covered everything to your personal preference for the assignment?
Step 1: Task Definition Your research assignment, Take a look at the material you will need. How will you present this material? In a report? What kind of report? _______________________________________ Check your rubric for the assignment: For pictures in this powerpoint my goal is to have _______________________________________ For Fonts and Colors my powerpoint must be __________________________________________ For the information for my country I will need how many pieces of information ______________________ For diseases in this country I will need information including? ___________________________________ When I present my material I will ___________________________________________________________
Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies Can I use print materials such as books for this project? _____ How many can I use? ___________ What kind of Online resources can I use for this project? ______________ Websites? ______________ Journal Articles? _________ Newspapers? ____________
Step 3: Location and Access? Where are the resources listed on my previous page? Can they be selected from the Library? ____________ What kinds? __________ Can they be selected from the Internet? Databases ___________________________ Websites ____________________________
Step 4: Use of Information Start your research: Browse and find articles that you will use. Find 2 articles, books or websites that may use. Answer the following, on the next slide.
What have I learned from reading this article about my topic? _________________________________________________ What information will I use from this resource for my PowerPoint? Find at least 2 Points for each resource Resource 1 _________________________________________________
Resource 2 ____________________________
Step 5: Synthesis For the notes on your project you will need to present them in PowerPoint form Select your slide design for your PowerPoint: Click on Format, Slide Layout, and select a Design you will use. Place your title of your assignment at the top of your slide, and place your name on it. Browse and find a picture for your presentation, place it on your project by selecting Insert Then picture, Then from file and browse for your selected file. You can move and place your image anywhere on your slide. Each slide will contain the following I General Tourist Information II Disease Outbreaks/ Precautionary Measures III Bibliography of resources taken.
Citing your resources For each resource you will need the following in your Bibliography Last name, First name, Title, Publisher, Date For your resources record the citation information on the following lines. Resource 1 ________ _________ ______________ __________ __________ Last name, First name, Title, Publisher, Date Resource 2 ________ _________ ______________ __________ __________ Last name, First name, Title, Publisher, Date
Step 6 Evaluation This is the most important step of all! Following this step will ensure that you will receive the best grade for your assignment. 1) Look over the rubric for the assignment Make a checklist to see if you have completed every objective on the rubric. 2) Think to yourself, do I feel I have done my best or could I change the assignment.
Credible Website Evaluation Find a website that you might use for your project. Evaluate it with the following questions. Author of Site: First ________________ Last______________________ Group Affiliated with site: (Example NASA) _____________________ Who maintains this website, is this listed? ____________________________ What is the domain name for this site? ______________________________ Is the goal or purpose labeled on this site? List it _______________________ ________________________________________________________________ When was the website produced? ________________________________ How often is the information on this site updated? ______________________ Does this site have any broken links? ________________________________ Are there any gaps in the information you see? __________________________