“The materials published on this project don't represent the official opion of EU"
What is Web 2.0? Why Web 2.0 in Education? Concerns about Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is a term that refers to a recent change in the internet, marked by: User created and contributed content Web –based applications Social interactions
In Web 1.0 users were retrievers of information One-way In Wev 2.0 users are contributors of information Two-way
Web 1.0 was about reading, Web 2.0 is about writing Web 1.0 was about companies, Web 2.0 is about communities Web 1.0 was about home pages, Web 2.0 is about blogs
Users Created and Contributed Content Blogs Wikis Videos Photo Sharing(Flikr) Discussions Forums
WWeb based Applications GGoogle Docs-Online Office Suite PPhotoshop Express-Online Photo Editing VVoice Thread-Online slideshow creation
Social Interaction Social Networking(My Space, Facebook) Blog Commenting Collaboration(wikis, Google Docs) Discussion Forums Media-based social networks(e.g. Youtube)
Authentic Audiences Collaboration 21 st Century Skills Free/cheap Ownership of work
Access/Digital Divide Privacy/Security Issues Copyright Reliability of Sources
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world.
The photo-sharing site Flickr is also finding use within education - as it provides a valuable resource for students and educators looking for images for use in presentations, learning materials or coursework. Many of the images uploaded to Flickr carry a Creative Commons license, making them particular suitable for educational use - and the tagging of images makes it much easier to find relevant content
Web 2.0 offers: Assistance for training didactic materials Assessment of evolution of students Timetable Development of project in colaboration
Ning is a platform for creating your own social network. Our passion is putting new social networks in the hands of anyone with a good idea. With Ning, your social network can be for anything and anyone. We use Ning for bring classmates notice, to help us, sending homework.
You start by naming your social network and choosing a combination of features (photos, videos, forums, events, etc.) from an ever- growing list of options. You can then customize your social network's appearance and launch it! People who join your social network will automatically have a customizable profile page and will be able to message and friend each other
A collective term for a set of powerful web- based tools that provide many educational opportunities.
Resources about Wev tim.oreilly.com Digital web Magazine – Web 2.0 for Designers tech.memeorandum.com Resources about Web 2.0 in Education ◦ Talking with Stephen Downes about online learning and Web 2.0 Talking with Stephen Downes about online learning and Web 2.0 ◦ What E-Learning 2.0 means To You What E-Learning 2.0 means To You ◦ E-learning 2.0, by Stephen Downes - eLearnMag E-learning 2.0, by Stephen DowneseLearnMag ◦ eLearning 2.0 resources eLearning 2.0 resources ◦ Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom