ip4inno Module 3B espacenet Learn how to make best use of the worldwide database of ideas Name of speakerVenue & date
ip4inno is brought to you by: European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry European Patent Office 19 consortium partners in the first ip4inno project This particular module was written and updated by the: European Patent Office with funding from the EC and EPO
The Disclaimer! This training material concerns intellectual property and business strategies only in general terms. This training material should not be relied upon when taking specific business or legal decisions. Rather, professional advice should be obtained which suits the circumstances in question.
Title in Arial 32 point, bold, single line Not too much text on any one slide (unlike this one!) Use left-margin, Arial font, black, never smaller than 24 point font, and preferably larger. Avoid placing words on a line on their own, so-called "orphans" Avoid fussy animation - it is a distraction Avoid clipart - it is ugly and amateurish Photos, charts and diagrams are welcome Confirm copyright permission where necessary
Learning objectives By the end of this module the learner should: be familiar with the basic functionalities and limitations of espacenet know the different search possibilities and their input parameters (available fields, logical operators, truncations etc.) know how to read and operate the different lists in espacenet (sort, export etc.) know how to handle individual result in espacenet (view, save, print, translate, family members etc.) know the possibilities of IPC and ECLA search in espacenet
Learning objectives (cont'd) By the end of this module the learner should: be familiar with the basic functionalities and limitations of other free EPO patent information products (European Register, Register alerting service, publication server) understand the link between espacenet, the European Register, the Register alerting service and other services of the EPO know how to set up and configure an alerting service for the European Register know where to find general information related to patent information from the EPO and further help and support for these services
Outline What is espacenet? Search functions Classifications Working with results Patent families Tips & tricks Limitations Other EPO patent information products & services Support
Outline What is espacenet? Search functions Classifications Working with results Patent families Tips & tricks Limitations Other EPO patent information products & services Support
espacenet a database of more than 70 million records a collection of patent documents (applications, granted patents, search reports, non-patent literature) data from 85 patent authorities worldwide data from 1836 to today source of technical information available free-of-charge via the internet at or BUT: for critical decision ask for professional help
Access via
Access via the espacenet portal:
Access via ep.espacenet.com
Searching in
Outline What is espacenet? Search functions Classifications Working with results Patent families Tips & tricks Limitations Other EPO patent information products & services Support
Entry page - ep.espacenet.com
Quick Search
Number Search
Example: Call a document
Example: Call a document
Example: SmartSearch
Example: SmartSearch
Advanced Search
Advanced Search
Bibliographic Data
Date (range) search Specific date search (e.g. with OR operator) yyyymmdd (retrieves documents with this application/publication/priority date) yyyymm (retrieves documents with this application/publication/priority year and month) yyyy (retrieves documents with this application/publication/priority year) e.g. dd/mm/yyyy, mm/yyyy Date ranges yyyy:zzzz (2000:2007), yyyymm:xxxxnn (200802:200810), yyyymmdd:xxxxnnee ( : )
Outline What is espacenet? Search functions Classifications Working with results Patent families Tips & tricks Limitations Other EPO patent information products & services Support
Classification Systems Patent Information Tour to be found at
Advantages of patent classifications Searches are independent of the wording of the applicants Information added by experts Constantly being revised and updated Field is available in entry level portals (e.g. espacenet) Useful field for statistical purposes Product and production processes can both be searched
International Patent Classification (IPC)
The IPC (and ECLA) have a hierarchical structure: SectionsA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H Classese.g. A47 Sub-classese.g. A47J Groupse.g. A47J37 Sub-groupse.g. A47J37/06 ECLA= IPC + ECLA sub-groups e.g. A47J37/06C e.g. A47J37/06C4D Classification systems
International Patent Classification (IPC)
European Patent Classification accessible via
Classification systems
with keywords with symbols OR Searching
Example Searching FOR ECLA classification symbols
Example: searching FOR ECLA symbols
Example: searching FOR ECLA symbols
Example: searching FOR ECLA symbols
Example Searching WITH ECLA classification symbols
Example: searching WITH ECLA symbols
Example: searching WITH ECLA symbols
Example: searching WITH ECLA symbols
Classification Search - New