Beta Club Meeting September 9, 2015
Introduction of Officers & Moderator Mrs. Lasley, club moderator Holly Wurth, president Sarah Metzger, vice-president Rosie Bartley, secretary Abbey Glover, historian
Prayer Holly Wurth, president
Beta Club Motto & Pledge Motto: “Let Us Lead By Serving Others” Pledge: “I do solemnly declare that I shall always strive to hold fast to the principles of honesty to endeavor constantly to maintain an admirable reputation; and to develop the foundation of character, service, and leadership in my life. I also pledge to cooperate with fellow members of The National Beta Club. I will encourage an individual responsibility to improve my school, community, state and nation. I will defend a high standard of morality and join with my club to contribute to the improvement of our entire student body.”
Requirements for Beta Club Mrs. Lasley, moderator
Attendance Did you sign in today? Always sign in for our meetings. Remember you can only miss ONE unexcused meeting. All meetings will be at 7 a.m. in the Media Center. Meeting dates are posted on School Fusion: November 4 th, January 13 th, February 10 th, and March 9 th Mark your planners & put meeting dates in your Outlook calendar. If you lose membership due to lack of attendance, you will not be eligible to apply to Senior Class Beta Club in March.
Discipline Checks We will have discipline checks on October 5 th, December 7 th, March 2 nd, and May 2 nd. If you have 2 demerits, be sure to sign a behavior contract; you may not exceed 2 demerits. If you are over, you will go on probation until the next discipline check. If you lose your membership due to your discipline record, you may apply to Senior Class Beta Club as long as your record is cleaned up by March.
Grade Checks You must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA to keep your membership. This is not the GPA that you see on PowerSchool. We will conduct a grade check at the end of each semester and notify you if you are no longer eligible for Beta Club. If you are struggling, please sign up for peer tutoring and get help. If you lose your membership due to a drop in your GPA, you are eligible to apply to Senior Beta Club should that GPA come back up to the required 3.5.
Service Requirements You must complete all 15 of your Junior ACTS hours by Dec. 15 th for fall CST classes and May 15 th for spring CST classes. Your remaining 5 service hours will be completed by Beta Club group service. You must join Junior Class Beta Club on x2vol and sign up for at least one fall Beta Club service project and one spring Beta Club service project, equaling at least 5 hours. If you have any trouble with x2vol, please see Ms. Maguire- Osting. If you lose your membership due to not meeting our service requirements, you will not be eligible to apply for Senior Class Beta Club.
Academic Banquet Will take place on Sunday, September 20 th from 1-3 at the Marriott on Hursbourne Lane. It is not required that you attend, but we encourage you to come! The purpose is to celebrate your achievement and lunch is provided. If you are unable to attend, you can pick up your certificate and pin at our meeting in November.
Quick Reminders You should be signed up for the Junior Class Beta Club School Fusion page, if you are not, please join ASAP. All of this information is posted on School Fusion. If you are not getting my s, let me know immediately. Please don’t wait to tell me. I won’t know that you aren’t on the list unless you communicate that to me.
Fundraising Holly Wurth, president
Bake Sale Date: Thursday, November 12 th We will need workers for each lunch block. We need you to bring in treats! This will help us to fund the Senior Citizen Prom, which is a free event for the community.
Fall Service Opportunities
Fall Festival at Uspiritus Date & Time: September 20 th from 2pm-5pm Location: Uspiritus Children’s Home, Bellewood Campus Activity: Help with game booths and activity stations for the children
Make a Difference Week Date & Time: October –exact date TBA, during your study hall Location: AHS, either Ms. Johnson’s class or Mr. Rouse’s class Activity: Lead the freshmen and help fill candy bags for St. Joe’s Halloween party
Decorate for Halloween Party at Green Hill Therapy Date & Time: Wednesday, October 21st from 3:30-5:30 Location: Green Hill Therapies Activity: Decorate for the big Halloween Party!
Halloween Party at Green Hill Therapy Date & Time: Sunday, October 25th from 11- 1pm or 1-3pm Location: Green Hill Therapies Activity: First shift: decorate horse, second shift –work bouncy houses, serving food, helping kids get upstairs
Christmas Cards for Nazareth Home Date & Time: November 19 th from 3pm-4:00 pm Location: AHS Media Center Activity: Make Christmas cards for the residents at Nazareth Home –bring art supplies!
Thanksgiving Dinner at Uspiritus Date & Time: November 24 th from 5:30-7:30 Location: Uspiritus Children’s Home, Brooklawn Campus Activity: Serve Thanksgiving dinner to the kids, wear jeans & AHS shirt
Christmas Caroling at Nazareth Home Date & Time: December, exact date TBA Location: Nazareth Nursing Home Activity: Roam halls in small groups singing Christmas carols and hand out Christmas cards to the residents, wear jeans, an AHS shirt, and Christmas accessories
Spring Service Opportunities
Senior Citizen Prom March 12, 2016 You MUST sign up for one of the committees: Food, Drink, Decorations, Rocket Spectacular Clean Up, Photo Booth, Door Greeters, Photographers, Set-Up and Tear Down.