Peter Barnes Vice President, Human Resources Emory University Leadership Development at Emory University: Strengthening the Business of Higher Education
Framework for Learning and Development Activities Leadership Effectiveness Results Focus Results Orientation Business Focus Strategic Thinking Business Excellence People Focus Interpersonal Skills People Management Personal Focus Personal Effectiveness & Integrity
Learning Services Academic Leadership Program Manager Development Program General Enrollment Courses Administrative Professionals Program Supervisor Development Program Team Effectiveness Services HR Rep Certification Program Mentor Emory Learning Services Excellence Through Leadership
A Leadership Pipeline Model
Transitional Challenges Informal & Emerging Leader to People Leader (SDP & MDP) Supervisor Development Programs (SDP) and Manager Development Programs (MDP) Lead former peers Work through others Engage, empower, and motivate others Learn the language of leading Advocate the University’s values and strategy Set a development pathway Grow the base of competent managers
Graduation Post Assessment Project Presentations Action Learning Projects Development Planning Cohort Learning Sessions Pre Assessment Continuous Learning Kickoff Development for Managers & Supervisors Manager & Supervisor Programs
Manager Development Program Workshop Topics 1.Essentials of Leadership 2.Situational Leadership 3.Birkman & Capstone Project Review 4.Building and Environment of Trust & Ethics 5.Crucial Conversations (2-day) 6.Managing a Diverse Team/EOP & Legal Issues 7.Coaching for Success & Coaching for Improvement 8.Managing Performance Problems 9.Essential Interviewing Skills 10.Retaining Talent 11.Innovations and Change/360 Feedback 12.Presentation Skills Supervisor Development Program Workshop Topics 1.Getting Started as a New Leader 2.Situational Leadership 3.Essentials of Leadership & Birkman & Capstone Project Review 4.Building an Environment of Trust & Ethics 5.Crucial Conversations (2-days) 6.Delegating for Results 7.Leading a Diverse Team/EOP & Legal Issues 8.Setting Performance Expectations 9.Coaching for Success & Coaching for Improvement 10.Managing Performance Problems 11.Leading Change/360 Feedback 12.Presentation Skills Manager & Supervisor Programs
Transitional Challenges Operational Leader to Strategic Leader (ETL & ALP) Excellence Through Leadership Program (ETL) and Academic Leadership Program (ALP) Exponentially broadened scope of competence in University business Shift focus from current to long-term strategy and leading change Enhance participant’s utility across the University Increased visibility and accountability Leading a senior leadership team Navigate internal politics; manage potential obstacles Learn consensus, cooperation, and teamwork Setting a career trajectory
Strategic Goals Strengthen leadership performance across the university Establish a leadership pipeline for succession planning Measures Of Success Develop a larger cadre of high- quality leaders who drive exceptional business results Develop a unique leadership brand used for the attraction, selection, and retention of key talent Develop a process that continues to produce a steady stream of the best leaders in academia Excellence Through Leadership (ETL) and Academic Leadership Program (ALP) The two programs share the same business case, strategic goals and measures of success.
Program Kickoff Leadership Strategy & Finance Marketing & Operations Project Management Presentation Skills Coaching Action Learning Application Project Presentations & Graduation The ETL Experience EVP Panel: The Business of Higher Education / Emory’s History Crucial Conversations Building Capability The program utilizes the Birkman Method and 360-Degree Feedback for developmental assessment. The program is taught in partnership with the Emory’ s Goizueta Business School.
ETL Impact Data: Based on 69 Participants (06/01/06 – 04/28/09) Retention Rate: 84% 12 (16%) employees terminated 3 resigned 7 relocated for advancement opportunity 2 changed careers/professions Note: One of these employees has since returned to Emory Healthcare Percentage Promotions: 19% Employees that have Changed Job Titles: 26% Employees that Changed Divisions: 6% Note: Merit raises were not given in FY10
ETL Impact Data: Based on 69 Participants (06/01/06 – 04/28/09) Retention Rate: 84% 11 (16%) employees terminated 3 resigned 6 relocated for advancement opportunity 2 changed careers/professions Note: One of these employees has since returned to Emory Healthcare. Percentage Promotions: 19% Employees that have Changed Job Titles: 26% Employees that Changed Divisions: 6% Note: Merit raises were not given in FY10
Coaching Action Learning Project Application Academic Leadership Program (Faculty) Program Kickoff Crucial Conversations Project Management Strategy & Finance Faculty Toolbox Integrated Leadership Oral Presentation Skills Leadership Recruitment & Retention of Faculty Promotion & Tenure Initiated in 2008; sponsored by the Provost Office. The program utilizes the Birkman Method and 360-Degree Feedback for developmental assessment. Project Presentations & Graduation
Administrative Professional Program (APP) Program Components Introduction to the Certificate & Interaction Skills for Success Increasing Personal Effectiveness (2 days) Crucial Conversations (2 days) Appreciating “Conversity” Improving Work Processes/Managing Your Workload Project Management Help Me to Help You (Customer Service) Basics of Emory Accounting and Account Administration Better Business Writing Presentation Skills Process Improvement Presentations
Participant Commitments for Certificate Programs ETL /36+ Team Yes Yes (External) Yes No Program # Classes # Classroom Days Total Hours/Days* Project 360 Feedback Executive Coach Birkman DiSC ALP /22+ Team Yes Yes (External) Yes No APP /14+ Individual No Yes SDP /17+ Individual Yes Yes (Internal) Yes No MDP /17+ Individual Yes Yes(Internal) Yes No Note: “Total Hours/Days” includes assessments, pre-work, classroom instruction, project work, orientation, graduation.
Participation in Programs to Date Program (Year Implemented)# Graduates# Currently Enrolled Excellence Through Leadership (2005) 6914 Academic Leadership Program (2009) 21 0 Manager Development Program (2008) 6813 Supervisor Development Program (2008) Administrative Professionals Program (2008) Mentor Emory (mentors + mentees) (2009)* 6030 Total Note: * Mentor Emory was originally initiated in 2002 as a women’s mentoring program. The numbers represented above show the participation since the program was revised and included both men and women.
Certificate Programs vs. Learning Tracks Certificate Programs: Nomination/application selection process Structured curriculum with mandatory attendance Assessments incorporated Applied learning Move through in cohorts 8-12 month commitment Graduation and certificate Cost based on program Learning Tracks: General enrollment open to everyone Select only what is needed Do not have to take everything within a track Can select courses across tracks Not set up with cohorts No long-term commitment No completion certificates Cost based on course selection
Contact: Peter Barnes Vice President, Human resources Emory University
Disconnected from our long-term strategy Owned by HR Focused on only one aspect of leadership An “event” or a “class” Hand-holding experience A core vehicle to move our strategy forward through our leadership Owned by senior leadership; supported institutionally A way to build a total leadership skill set (people, business, and organization, personal mastery) A specific sequence of workshops, modules, coaching, and projects designed to accelerate leadership development, and changing as we see the need Personally–motivated development What It Is NotWhat It Is Management and Leadership Development at Emory
This program supports Emory’s vision to: Be a destination university by fostering lifelong learning among all constituents. Be inquiry-driven by excelling at discovery. Be distinctive for its ethical commitment by fostering openness and diversity of thought, experience and culture. Work for positive transformation by setting standards followed by others. Through leadership development activities that: Provide competency based learning experiences and on- going development activities. Guide self-discovery and facilitate awareness of leadership strengths and development areas. Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the opportunity to build collaborative networks. Create leaders that serve as role models to others. Aligning Mission & Development
Learning Tracks Aspiring Leaders Achieving Your Leadership Potential Business of Higher Education Improving Personal Productivity Influential Leadership Networking for Enhanced Collaboration Taking Charge of Your Development (web-based course) Coaching & Feedback Crucial Conversations Feedback Essentials Launching a Successful Team Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce Managing Performance Problems Reviewing Performance Progress Setting Performance Expectations Situational Leadership
Learning Tracks Customer Service Creating a Service Culture: The Leader’s Role Help Me to Help You Service Plus Taking Action to Solve Problems Interpersonal Skills Better Business Writing Building Trust Communicating with Impact Crucial Conversations Embracing Change Increasing Personal Effectiveness Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce Navigating Beyond Conflict Networking for Enhanced Collaboration Oral Presentation Skills Professional Grammar
Learning Tracks Project Management Business of Higher Education Crucial Conversations Improving Personal Productivity Influential Leadership Making Meetings Work (web-based course) Oral Presentations Skills Partnerships for Improvement Project Management Time Management Business of Higher Education Business of Higher Education Overview Campus Life Human Resources Emory College Oxford College Finance Administration Campus Services Planning & Design Center for International Programs Abroad Faculty & Academic Affairs Internal Audit