Jump Start 1.Pick up a Jamestown background Essay from the front table 2.Complete the following steps: A.Put your NAME on it B.Circle the title C.Number the paragraphs (#1, #2, etc.) D.Put a box around the bolded words E.Highlight the first sentence of each paragraph
The First Successful English Colony
Jump Start On Level: –Write a one to two sentence summary of Friday’s reading using the following words: Jamestown, Powhatan, Chesapeake Bay PreAP: –Write a three to four sentence summary of Friday’s reading using the following words: Jamestown, Powhatan, Chesapeake Bay, tobacco, John Smith, winter of
Jamestown Begins After early English colonies failed, individual people stopped funding them Joint Stock Companies formed – A business in which investors combine their money in order to make a profit Once a Joint Stock Company got a charter, they could establish a colony –A written contract from a government that gave the companies permission to create a colony
Jamestown First permanent English settlement Began with problems 1.Bad location = swampy 2.Disease = malaria carrying mosquitoes 3.Colonists spent more time mining for gold than building shelter or planting crops Climate –Summer = hot and humid –Winter = bitter cold
Jamestown Only 38 of the original 100 survived the first year John Smith takes over in January –Made physical improvements Built a protective wall around the colony –Got the colonists working “He that will not work shall not eat.” –Improved relations with the Powhatan Got them to trade food with the settlers –Smith injured and had to leave in 1609 –That same year about 500 more settlers arrived due to Jamestown’s success
Growing tensions with the Powhatans –Indians stopped trading food –Increased attacks on the settlers and the colonists were afraid to leave the fort Starving Time –Colonists ate rats, mice, snakes –Only 60 survived the second winter –The next spring they were saved again Supply ships brought food, more settlers, and soldiers A new governor also arrived who imposed more discipline Jamestown
John Rolfe arrives with tobacco, a crop that will make Jamestown rich tobacco became a cash crop –Grown in order to be sold for money instead of personal use (food, clothes, shelter, etc.) Became widespread and popular From then on, Jamestown’s economy boomed Jamestown
Jamestown Booms Colony became more of a business –Colonists wanted their share of the profit Virginia Co. eventually let settlers own land –This caused them to work even harder on harvesting tobacco First African slaves were brought and the population more than tripled in 2 years Indentured servitude also became a way to increase the amount of workers –A person sold his or her labor in exchange for passage to America; after they paid the money back they were free to own their own land
First Representative Government Representative Government- a government where voters elect people to make the laws Colonists started to get annoyed at how much control the governor had They were placed under VERY strict laws The Virginia Company decided that representatives called burgesses would meet once a year to give the colonists more representation House of Burgesses- first representative government in the American colonies
Jump Start Put your things down and get out the following: –Jamestown Background Essay –DBQ from yesterday –Writing utensil –Extra notebook paper that you can turn in to me If your class DID NOT get a DBQ packet yesterday, get one from the front desk Make sure you are picking up the correct on
General Document Info. Mini DBQ Question = Early Jamestown: Why did so many colonists die? Each document will provide proof for one of the following answers: –Native Americans –Environmental Conditions –Lack of Settler Skills Your job is to figure out which one of the above reasons each document provides proof for
Document A Read Doc. A one time silently, circle all words you don’t know –Common words include brackish, scarce, vulnerable, intrusion, filth, fester, abundance As a group, work on defining these words Questions to consider… 1.What is the main idea of this document? Jamestown’s Environment, Settler Skills, or Relations with Natives? 2.Think: What all do you need fresh water for? (Relates to #4 OL, #1-2 PreAP) 3.Think: Other than fish, what different species of wild game might colonist need? Where would those animals be in the winter? (Relates to #5 OL, #3 PreAP)
Document B Does the graph have a title? Hint: Source What do the x and y axis show? Questions to consider… 1.What is the main idea of this document? Jamestown’s Environment, Settler Skills, or Relations with Natives? 2.Think: Can you have negative rainfall? What could the negative indicate? (Relates to #1 OL and PreAP) 3.Think: What would an “unbroken period of drought” look like on the graph? (Relates to #2 OL) 4.Think: What resources would the settlers and natives be fighting over during a drought? Think beyond just water. (Relates to #4 OL, #2 PreAP)
Document C Identify each row and column on the chart. What information is the chart showing you? Look for any footnotes on your chart. Questions to consider… 1.What is the main idea of this document? Jamestown’s Environment, Settler Skills, or Relations with Natives? 2.Think: If you have the total number that came and a value for “Occupation unknown”, how can you find known? (Relates to #1 OL) 3.Think: Look at the types of occupations present. What skills do the majority of the settlers have? Is this helpful for survival? (Relates to #3-4 OL, #1 PreAP)
Document D On Level ONLY Remember, there was no common spelling during this time. Some words were spelled phonetically (how they sound) Questions to consider… 1.What is the main idea of this document? Jamestown’s Environment, Settler Skills, or Relations with Natives? 2.Think: What is the difference between a primary and secondary source? Use the source information above the excerpt to help you answer #1. 3.Read for words that indicate of a fight or violence. (Relates to #3 OL) 4.Think: Where did the grain/corn end up going? Did the colonists get any of the food?
Document E PreAP ONLY On your copy of Document E, complete the following steps before beginning your graph: 1.Circle all of the “die” words 2.Code the “die” words: A.NA = death by Native Americans B.EC = death by environmental conditions C.SS = death by settler skills 3.Total deaths for each factor for each of the 3 time periods Create a graph of the population from using the provided template (*** see example on white board***)
The correct data from our DBQ work yesterday is: –EC = 246 –NA = 141 –SS = 12 Does this data match what you initially thought would be the main cause of death in Jamestown? What surprises you about the data? Pre AP: Document E Data