Data Series I S IT A CHART OR A GRAPH ? A graph is a feature of a chart used to plot data. The chart is the total package that includes the title, value labels, and legend.
U SES OF CHARTS To represent sales trends within the different department s of a store. To represent the contribution of individual employee sales to the total sales for a company. To represent the percent of each expense to total expenses. To explain stock price fluctuations to stock holders.
G RAPHING bar graph used to compare the values of various items line graph useful for plotting trends area graph like a “filled in” line graph. Used to track changes over time pie graph used to represent the percentage each item contributes to the total Column graph used to make a comparison about a group of data
Components of Graphs and Charts Y- axis - t he left vertical side; it contains the numerical data. X-axis - t he bottom horizontal side; it contains the category information. Data markers - represent values. Y-Axis X-Axis Data Marker
Data Series D ATA S ERIES A collection of related values from the worksheet; one row/column on the spreadsheet.
G RIDLINE Horizontal or vertical line that extends across the plot area of the graph to make it easier to read and understand the values. Gridline
P LOT A REA The rectangular area bound by the category and values axes. Plot Area
T ICK M ARK Used to add clarification to the data categories. Tick Marks
L EGEND The object that explains the symbols, colors, or patterns used to differentiate the data. Legend
D ATA L ABEL Single value or piece of data from the data series. Data Labels
C HART T ITLE Describes the purpose and content. Title
A XIS T ITLES Describe the x and y axis data. Axis Titles
C HART C AN BE E MBEDDED OR S EPARATE An embedded chart is one that appears on the same sheet as the worksheet it represents. A separate chart is one that does not appear on the same sheet as the worksheet it represents.