Chapter 10 Basics of Exercise and Stretching: Fall Prevention Boiling Springs Baptist Church
Global Physical Inactivity Prevalence It is the fourth leading cause of global mortality. 31% of adults worldwide are physically inactive. Majority of North American and United Kingdom adults do not meet physical activity guidelines.
Physical Inactivity and Disease Physical inactivity may be the greatest public health threat of our time. Low fitness accounts for more deaths than –obesity, –smoking, –high cholesterol, –diabetes, and –hypertension.
Physical Activity (PA) Recommendations for Adults Aerobic exercise –≥150 min/week of moderate intensity or –≥75 min/week of vigorous intensity Muscular strengthening exercise –≥2 days/week
Health Benefits of PA: Lowers the Risk of Many Diseases Premature death Coronary heart disease Stroke Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome High blood pressure (continued)
Health Benefits of PA: Lowers the Risk of Many Diseases (continued) Adverse blood lipid profile Colon, breast, lung, and endometrial cancers Hip fractures Abdominal obesity Feelings of depression and anxiety
Health Benefits of PA Aids weight loss and prevention of weight gain Improved functional health Increased bone density Improved sleep quality
Dose–Response Relationship 150 min/week of PA = ↓CHD risk by 14% 300 min/week of PA = ↓CHD risk by 20% Multiple bouts (≥10 min) are better than a single session.
PA and Weight Management 150 min/week of moderate-intensity PA may not be sufficient for preventing weight gain. ≥300 min/week (60 min/day) is recommended for weight management.
Factors Affecting Flexibility Joint structure Soft tissue tightness Body composition Age Sex Physical activity and inactivity Muscle temperature )
Guidelines for Stretching Program Warm up before stretching. Stretch all major muscle groups. Hold stretch 10 to 60 seconds. Stretch less than pain threshold. Use slow and rhythmic breathing. Stretch in different planes.
Seated calf raise with chest press
High knee with lateral raise
Seated leg extensions with overhead press
Seated side bends
Seated Russian twists
Seated swimmers
Assisted chair squats
Assisted side leg lifts
Assisted hamstring curls