Chapter 81 Place (distribution) –Who is my primary customer or segment? –Do I also pursue customers –above or below my target level? –To what extent do I sell direct –Vs. help reseller efforts? Here Are Some Things You Need To Know Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 82 Pricing –Are prices set, or can I negotiate? –If I negotiate, what are my guidelines? –In what situations should I adjust price? –What are the gross margin objectives? –How do we get paid for services? Here Are Some Things You Need To Know Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 83. Promotion –What is the theme or our marketing program? –What promotion program will we offer? –How can I use our promotion programs? –What advertisements will run locally? –How should I follow up on them? –Is there any customer database – information I can use? –Who can I call on for help in selling? Here Are Some Things You Need To Know Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 84 People –What competencies should I have? –What training or development –should I work on? Here Are Some Things You Need To Know Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 85 New salespeople also need to make sure –they understand what customer segments the company has selected –as their highest priority Ask the following questions... Which types of customers do we most want? How do I identify these customers? What are their needs? What special advantages –do we offer these customers? Here Are Some Things You Need To Know Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 86 Developing A Territory Plan A recommended approach – is for the salesperson to develop a (written) territory strategy This process works - –it generates increased selling success and is well worth the effort Developed by Purdue University
Chapter Analyze Your Local Market A basic local market analysis includes –at least three elements: lLocal market dynamics lCustomer needs lCompetitor activities and trends Developed by Purdue University
Chapter Confirm Sales Goals Setting sales goals helps you prioritize your time –and should relate directly to company strategy They often include: Sales volume goals Profit goals Product goals Penetration goals The proportion of all potential customers you are selling something to Concentration goals The proportion of each customer’s business that you are getting Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 89 Sales Volume Goals Sales volume goals –are by far the most common and most trackable –of all sales goals Can be measured as... –Dollars –Units –Market Share Developed by Purdue University
Chapter 810 Profit Goals Profit goals can be measured as... –Gross margin dollars –Total Sales less the cost of the product –Net profit dollars –Gross margin dollars less expenses Profit goals encourage salespeople –to focus on profitability rather than only the level of sales Developed by Purdue University