Origins of US involvement in the Middle East
Origins of US Involvement in the Middle East Cold War –Contain communism & Soviet influence –Est. allies & pro-US governments Arab-Israeli Conflict –US support for Jewish state Concern for oil –Middle East = 80% of world’s oil reserves
Arab-Israeli Conflict 1947 to present
ARAB – ISRAELI CONFLICT Palestine = British mandate after WWI Jewish immigration = clash with Arabs 1948 = creation of Jewish state of Israel Israel wins several wars against Arab neighbors US originally aided Israel Anti-American Arab feeling for support of Israel Anger & terrorism continue
Use of violence to intimidate & cause fear for political or social ends Arabs terrorist groups organized in response to –Jewish dominance & expansion in Israel –US intervention in the Middle East
Iranian Revolution 1979
Iranian Revolution 1953 = US helped to install Shah to power in Iran Shah = pro-American ; domestically oppressive 1979 = uprising removed Shah & est. a theocracy under Ayatollah Khomeini US opposed revolution & harbored the Shah = angered Iranian Revolutionaries
Iran Hostage Crisis
Iran Hostage Crisis Khomeini urged Iranians to demonstrate against US Iranian students seized US embassy Held 52 American hostages for 14 months President Carte later negotiated return
Iran-Iraq War
Iran-Iraq War Iraq (under Saddam Hussein ) invaded Iran US aided Iraq –Intelligence, economic aid, weapons –Protect oil tankers –Shot down Iran Air Flight 655
Beirut barracks bombing 1983
Beirut barracks bombing 1983 = suicide bombers drove two trucks w/ explosives into Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon Over 200 servicemen killed
Pan Am Flight
Pan Am Flight 103 December 21, passenger flight from London to NY Destroyed by bomb in cargo hold in 1988 Known as the Lockerbie Bombing 270 people killed (189 Americans) Widely regarded as attack on symbol of US Investigation & trial = Libyan Terrorist –Response to US bombings in N.Africa & for downing of Iran Flight 655
Persian Gulf War 1991
Persian Gulf War 1991 conflict between Iraq and coalition 30 nations led by US to liberate Kuwait 1990 = Iraq (led by Saddam Hussein) invaded Kuwait for illegally “slant-drilling” oil Decisive victory for coalition forces but Hussein not removed
September 11 Attacks 2001
September 11 Attacks Deadliest terrorist attack on American civilians Sept. 11, 2001= Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 airliners –2 struck (destroyed) World Trade Center in NY –Another struck Pentagon, another crashed in PA Over 3000 killed Shocked Americans = unity, patriotism
Terrorist organization = “the base” Worldwide network of Islamic extremists –Radically anti-American –Well financed Led by Osama Bin Laden Responsible for numerous terrorist attacks –1993 WTC bombing –Bombing of US troops in M.E. & embassies in Africa –9/11 Attacks
Osama Bin Laden
Al Qaeda terrorist leader From wealthy family of Saudi Arabia = exiled Greatly angered by US troops in Saudi Arabia during Persian Gulf War Early 1990s formed Al-Qaeda Declared holy war on America, Israel, & Saudi monarchy
War on Terrorism 2001-
War on Terrorism President Bush proclaimed –9/11 attacks more than acts of terror = acts of war –Use all tools & weapons to fight global terrorism –Target terrorists & govt’s that support them Major Events –Campaign in Afghanistan (destruction of Taliban regime)2001 –Second Gulf War (destruction of Saddam Hussein regime)2003