Senior Parent Meeting February 9, 2016 Go Mustangs! Go Seniors!
Mrs. Guerra—Graduation Information Asterisks Saturday Tutorials Credit Recovery
Senior Panoramic Picture - Tuesday, April 26 Prom—Downtown Houston Aquarium— Friday, May 13 Senior Trip—Oil Ranch Monday, May 23 Senior Brunch and Senior Awards—Brady’s Landing— Tuesday, May 24 Graduation Practice—Wednesday, May 25 Graduation—Texas Southern University—Friday, May 27
Cookie Dough Fundraiser Winners! Dannielle Espinoza—Highest Seller for Cookie Dough--$100 Cash Prize!! 36 students participated in the Cookie Fundraiser $4400 for the senior class Along with t-shirt and/or hoodie and/or Prom Ticket(s) Cookie Dough is to be delivered today Available for pick up in A304 on Wednesday, February 10 after school only 62 students have started paying senior dues via fundraisers or cash 8 Seniors have paid in full Prom Tickets—45 tickets paid for through cash or fundraisers Trip or Senior Awards—No deposit available Cookie Dough delivered Today! Pick up your orders on Wednesday after school in A304!
Fundraisers! Participate! --March 1-10, 2016 MUGS --Picture Packages from Nicole Photography --Each package returns $10 to the senior class fund
Senior Dues TWO regular Payment dates left or pay dues in full! Deadline! March 31, 2016 February 17 March 31 OR, you may select the items you want to attend and pay the same price up until March 31. After March 31, beginning April 1, 2016, prices increase by $20 on all items except for the Senior Panoramic and Graduation Picture package.
End of Year Success Attendance Issues Grades for each six week grading period with final exam Pass all EOC exams!