FM 54 GSM-R points ERA ERTMS Unit London, 22 February 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

FM 54 GSM-R points ERA ERTMS Unit London, 22 February 2016

›Legal framework: New CCS TSI (EU Regulation) ›Obligation for new, upgraded or renewed vehicles to implement protection against interferences (improved receivers or filters) ›Voted in the Committee on 10 th February ›Currently in the EC translation services ›To be published in European Official Journal by mid In force: in 20 days ›Working Document DV81 ›Presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC): Oct-15 ›Comments received. New version created ›Presented to the Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC): Dec-15 ›Comments received (FR, UK, ES, PT, SE). Being reviewed. New version will be issued in March ›To be circulated to RISC and RSC for final endorsement Actions related to ECC Report 229 (I)

›In DV 81: ›Summary of key points/discussions in the GSM-R Follow Up Group (GFUG) which pushed the issuing of ECC Report 229. ›Addressed to Member States: ›Request them to prepare the tools to handle the coming situations, as per the recommendations in Report 229 ›Request to report on some items by April 2016 (ERA acting as secretary) ›Joint RSC-RISC session planned in July 2016 ›On the other hand, FM54 had the plan to make a survey of the application of ECC Report 229, 1 year after publication. ›Shall we combine both surveys? Or avoid overlapping? Document sent to the group with some proposals Actions related to ECC Report 229 (II)

›ERA has launched a study on “Coexistence of GSM-R with other communication systems” ›Study was launched in September ›Work is ongoing, lab tests under preparation. Draft report is expected end of April Final report before summer 2016 ›It will be used as input for ETSI NG2R TR for Future Railways Mobile Systems. ›The key questions to be covered are: ›Is it feasible to use an additional radio communication system in the frequency bands “ / MHz” and “ / MHz” in coexistence with GSM-R system? ›If so, which system, out of the ones specified today or under specification, could be used? ›What are the conditions for this coexistence? (e.g. in terms of radio parameters, frequency arrangements, network design constraints, terminal requirements…) ›Would the specification of the other system studied need to be modified or adapted? ›What are the possible consequences for the available capacity of both technologies? ›What would be the impact on the current GSM-R networks in terms of redesign? ERA study on coexistence GSM-R and other systems