Social/Emotional Development Coping with Stress
Reminder Reminder to sign up for the PSAT. The Deadline is October 1st. The Test date is Wednesday, Oct 15th during blocks A1 and A2.
American School Counseling Association Standards (School Counselor) II-B-3: Uses student standards, such as ASCA Student Standards and other appropriate student standards such as district or state standards, to drive the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program IV-B-3c:Demonstrates an ability to provide counseling for students during times of transition, separation, heightened stress and critical change. (Student) PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict.
Essential Questions 1. What is our body’s response to stress? 2. How can we deal with stress in our lives?
Objectives 1. The students will know the body’s indicators of stress. 2. The students will be able to identify strategies for coping with stress.
Pre-test No need to add your name… answer the questions honestly and turn back in.
1. ENDORPHINS are natural chemicals in your body that are released when you are doing activities, which usually relieves stress. They feel good, occur naturally in the brain and are blind to pain. (Ex: Runner’s high, Laughing) 2. DOPAMINE is chemical release in the body that feels awesome, is highly addictive, and dangerous if unbalanced. Negative sources of dopamine release: gambling addictions, phone-game addictions, smoking and drinking. Positive sources of dopamine release: eating healthy foods, reaching goals, exercise and getting plenty of rest. Chemicals in the Human Body
3. SEROTONIN is the leadership chemical. It boosts confidence and used for cooperation while helping with the sleep/wake cycle. This chemical is associated with feelings of pride and justice. (Ex. “What Would You DO?”) 4. OXYTOCIN is the chemical associated with feelings of love, trust and closeness to others. This chemical aids people in being social and altruistic.
Stress Chemical 5. CORTISOL is a chemical released in the body in response to stressful situations. If someone has high levels of this chemical, it will interfere with learning and could result in memory loss, a poor immune system, increased weight, high blood pressure and other health problems. (Ex. Observation of others/stressful situations)
Recent Life Changes Questionnaire -Check boxes of life-change events you have experienced in the past 12 months -Add up the numbers associated with your events on the back of the questionnaire
Brainstorm + -
Managing Stress Allow the stress-producing chemicals to recede. Here’s how: 1. Relax—Slowing down helps you reclaim mastery of your thoughts and emotions 2. Breathe Deeply—Keep oxygen flowing through your body to reverse the physiological impact of fear
Managing Stress Change your thoughts—Changing our thoughts soothes irrational stress. Here’s how: 1. Detach—Once you have prepared fully, there is no more you can do. Worrying won’t help. 2. Reframe—Ask yourself— “If the worst happens, can I live with it?” 3. Visualize success—Create a mental movie 4. Assume the best—Victims create fear through negative assumptions 5. Distract yourself—replacing fearful thoughts with pleasant ones will help stop anxious thoughts. Do something to distract yourself.
101 Ways to Manage Stress CIRCLE items you already participate in to manage your stress. STAR new items that you will now try to help manage your stress.
Post-Test No need to put your name on it… just answer honestly and turn back in.
Essential Questions What is our body’s response to stress? What are some techniques to handle stress in our lives?
Information on how stress impacts the chemicals of the body/the source of information for many of our slides.