At first we looked at this question, our Fertile question. We listed all our zoo prior knowledge and then we classified our ideas Then we went to Auckland Zoo to develop questions Once again, we did some classifying. We classified the questions we had come up with twice, using ‘Deep and not so deep questions’ and ‘Blooms Taxonomy.’ DO WE LIVE IN A HUMAN ZOO?
We watched five ‘The Zoo: This is your life’ episodes and we looked at human an animal characteristics and similarities. We then did some more questioning and we came up with questions to do with human zoos. We did more classifying, we classified the questions we had come up with about human zoos. And then we found out that most of our questions fitted into the category of ‘human society’, so that’s what we started doing our task on from there. DO WE LIVE IN A HUMAN ZOO?
In groups, we came up with possible essential questions for this topics. Then as a class we discussed the questions we had come up with and we voted for the one we thought would make the best EQ. The question the class decided on was: ‘How can we improve the society we live in.’ The class came up with things that we could do to improve our society by writing an initial answer to our EQ. Some ideas were relationships with others, stopping segregation in the community, helping people get life necessities, animal rights, etc. HUMAN SOCIETY
Out of the ideas we had come up with, I decided to do my inquiry on relationships with others. We got into groups with people who had chosen the same idea as you. In my group there was me, Luca and Spencer. We decided to work on relationships with classmates, peers, friends. We came up with Sub questions that were related to our topic. Our SQ’s ended up being ‘How can we stop arguments?’ and ‘What causes bad relationships?’ RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS
We researched this question by survey and we tried to do a bit by searching on the computer. In the end the answer I got was: Most arguments are caused by sensitivity, bullying, accusing, disagreement, stress and secrets. There are strategies to stop arguments that have already started, but we can stop arguments by avoiding sensitivity, bullying, etc (all the above things) This will help/make a little difference to my class, society, family, etc because there will hopefully be less arguments and that will most probably reduce stress and anger for people. HOW COULD WE STOP ARGUMENTS?
We researched this question by survey and a bit of research on the computer. We did want to have an interview with a specialist, but that didn’t go exactly to plan. In the end my answer to this question was: Bad relationships are usually caused by lots of things such as lying, constant arguments, bullying and not seeing them – leaves your school, city, starts hanging out with others. This will help me because I know what things to avoid to decrease the amount of bad relationships I have with some people and once again I think this will make a small improvement to our class, society, family, etc WHAT CAUSES BAD RELATIONSHIPS?
Survey development/analyze Questioning Finding patterns/ relevant/valid information Critical thinking Selecting relevant/ information Looking at things from a variety of perspective Coming up with conclusions Group work Making group decisions Being a reliable, active group member Working together Discussions Actively listening to each other SOME SKILLS I LEARNT ARE…
Finding valid information Checking 3 times Having a range of sources Classifying Looking for similarities in a range of ideas, questions etc. Sorting through information Developing Questions What do I want to learn? SOME SKILLS I LEARNT ARE…
Human and animal characteristics similarities Human society – I now know what human society actually is I now understand Blooms Taxonomy Life at the zoo for animals All about Auckland Zoos- and most other zoos KNOWLEDGE - FACTS
Participating and Contributing – I think I didn’t participate as well as the others in my group mainly because quite a few of the task sessions I was at things like instrumental, kitchen cultivators, etc Managing Self – There were a few times I didn’t get round to doing the tasks my group had set me, but other than that I think I managed myself pretty well. Relating to others – I think I usually listened well to the others in my group and respected them most of the time. KEY COMPETENCIES
Thinking – I think I did quite well on this one as now I can clearly explain or reflect on my learning and I can set a suitable goal for my future learning. Using Language, Symbols and Text – I think my presentation reflects my learning well and is appealing. KEY COMPETENCIES