Welcome to FCHS! Class of 2016
Student Folder Program FCHS Map What Can I Do at FCHS? KHEAA Packet Students can earn $500 for college during their freshmen year for straight A’s. FCHS Freshmen Orientation
Lockers Locker numbers will be listed on the schedule that students will receive on the first day of school. Students will need to purchase a combination lock for their locker.
Data Based Scheduling Students are placed into their English and Math content classes based on their individual performance. Students will receive intervention in reading/math during the PRIDE period if their EXPLORE/PLAN/ACT scores are below benchmark. Integrated Math 9, Basic Geometry, and Basic Algebra 2 are for students who have not met the math benchmark. Students will take the MAP assessment early in the first trimester. Their score will be considered for changing their course placement and PRIDE intervention schedule.
PRIDE Period (begins after Labor Day) Intervention time for students to work on meeting the college ready benchmarks, or working towards their career readiness. Tutoring time for students who need additional help in specific courses. Elective time for those students who have already met their college ready benchmarks.
Freshman Schedule (PRIDE begins after Labor Day) TimePeriodFall TriWinter TriFall Tri 8:00-9:201English 9 CompositionEnglish 9 LiteratureElective 9:25 – 10:302Career OptionsElectiveIntegrated Science 10:35 – 11:15PRIDEMath InterventionTutoringElective 11:20 – 12:503Scientific MethodsGeographyElective 12:55 – 2:004Int Math 9AInt Math 9BInt Math 9C 2:05 – 3:105CivicsLifeskillsLifeskills/Health This student has not met the math benchmark, and will receive math intervention during PRIDE. Prior to PRIDE period beginning, FCHS will use the bell schedule.
Pass out schedules.
Student Schedules 3 Trimesters Fall (8/09/12– 11/02/12) Winter (11/07/12 – 02/14/13) Spring (02/19/13 – 06/06/13) 3 Grading Periods Report cards at the end of each trimester, with midterm reports at the midpoint of each trimester. 5 classes Each Trimester ½ credit each – total of 7.5 credits for the year PRIDE period is ¼ credit each year, or 1 whole credit at the end of 4 years. PRIDE will begin after Labor Day 65 minute classes, 40 minute PRIDE period
Student Schedules Don’t have a schedule? Just go with a friend but be sure to see a guidance counselor in the gym after the program. Have a missing class? Be sure to see a guidance counselor in the gym after the program. Some elective teachers may not be here. Find their room and then report to your next class. Still Have Questions? Talk with a staff member in the gym after the program.
Student Schedules No Schedule Changes until Monday, Tuesday August 13 th, 14 th Counselors will be in cafeteria with “Schedule sign-up sheets” during breakfast and lunch. No schedule changes will be made prior to then!
Freshmen Orientation 2012 Fall Trimester Schedule – 1 st Term 6:35Students will move to their 1 st block class 6:40Students will move to their 2 nd block class 6:45Students will move to their 3 rd block class 6:50Students will move to their 4 th block class 6:55Students will move to their 5 th block class 7:00Meet your parents in the gym. Take a look at the student organization displays set up in gym. Program is concluded – See you back on Thursday! Junior Mentors will be in the hallways to assist with finding classes.
Have a great year! See you Thursday!