The Russian Revolution -Key Concepts-
Pre-Revolutionary Russia Only true autocracy left in Europe Only true autocracy left in Europe No type of representative political institutions No type of representative political institutions Nicholas II became Tsar in 1884 Nicholas II became Tsar in 1884 Never wanted to be Tsar, cried when he found out his father died and he would be crowned. Never wanted to be Tsar, cried when he found out his father died and he would be crowned. Believed he was the absolute ruler anointed by God (Divine Right) Believed he was the absolute ruler anointed by God (Divine Right)
The Revolution of 1905 The creation of a discontented working class The creation of a discontented working class Vast majority of workers concentrated in St. Petersburg and Moscow Vast majority of workers concentrated in St. Petersburg and Moscow Help from the countryside: poor peasants Help from the countryside: poor peasants No individual land ownership No individual land ownership
Revolution of 1905 (cont) Russia industrialized on the backs of the peasants Russia industrialized on the backs of the peasants Tremendous historic land hunger among peasants Tremendous historic land hunger among peasants Real winners of the 1905 Revolution: Middle Class Real winners of the 1905 Revolution: Middle Class --Constitutional Democratic Party --Duma (legislative body)**
Conservatism Continues: Tsar paid no attention to the Duma Tsar paid no attention to the Duma Duma harassed and political parties suppressed Duma harassed and political parties suppressed
V. World War I: “The Last Straw” Lack of competent military leaders – Tsar Nicholas insisted in leading troops despite lack of military experience Lack of competent military leaders – Tsar Nicholas insisted in leading troops despite lack of military experience Army poorly supplied and trained Army poorly supplied and trained Average peasant has very little invested in the War Average peasant has very little invested in the War High casualty rate High casualty rate Result: Chaos and Disintegration of the Russian Army Result: Chaos and Disintegration of the Russian Army
World War I (cont) Result: Chaos and Disintegration of the Russian Army Result: Chaos and Disintegration of the Russian Army
Alexis: Alexandra’s and Nicholas’s Son with Hemophilia
Alexandra: The Power Behind the Throne Even more blindly committed to autocracy than her husband Even more blindly committed to autocracy than her husband Alexandra highly influenced by Rasputin whom she believed would heal her son** Alexandra highly influenced by Rasputin whom she believed would heal her son** He was a drunk and womanizer He was a drunk and womanizer Scandals surrounding Rasputin served to discredit the monarchy Scandals surrounding Rasputin served to discredit the monarchy
The Collapse of the Imperial Government Alexandra and Rasputin throw the government into chaos** Alexandra and Rasputin throw the government into chaos** Complete mismanagement of the wartime economy Complete mismanagement of the wartime economy Alexandra and other high government officials accused of treason Alexandra and other high government officials accused of treason
The Collapse of the Imperial Government (cont) Rasputin assassinated in December of 1916 (shot, tied up and thrown into a river only to free himself and crawl out to die on the river bank) Rasputin assassinated in December of 1916 (shot, tied up and thrown into a river only to free himself and crawl out to die on the river bank)
The Two Revolutions of 1917 The March Revolution (March 12) in Petrograd The March Revolution (March 12) in Petrograd The November Revolution (November 6) The November Revolution (November 6)
The March Revolution Origins: Bread rationing and increased food prices Origins: Bread rationing and increased food prices Most rioters were women Most rioters were women 10,000 women marched through Petrograd demanding “Peace and Bread” 10,000 women marched through Petrograd demanding “Peace and Bread” Women called for a general strike Women called for a general strike Alexandra dismissed the protesters Alexandra dismissed the protesters Nicholas ordered the army to break the protest up Nicholas ordered the army to break the protest up Army sided with strikers Army sided with strikers
The end of the Romanovs Nicholas tried to dissolve the Duma Nicholas tried to dissolve the Duma Duma declared itself a provisional (temporary) government and urged the Tsar to step down from power Duma declared itself a provisional (temporary) government and urged the Tsar to step down from power Tsar had no military backing and was forced to resign Tsar had no military backing and was forced to resign End of the 300 year Romanov dynasty End of the 300 year Romanov dynasty
Soviet Political Ideology **“Soviets” = councils made up of workers and soldiers **“Soviets” = councils made up of workers and soldiers More radical and revolutionary than the Provisional Government More radical and revolutionary than the Provisional Government Most influenced by Marxist socialism Most influenced by Marxist socialism The most radical soviet was the Bolsheviks** The most radical soviet was the Bolsheviks**
Founder of Bolshevism: Vladimir Lenin** ** Committed to Class Struggle and Revolution Committed to Class Struggle and Revolution Exiled from Russia but returned by the German government in 1917 to spread unrest Exiled from Russia but returned by the German government in 1917 to spread unrest Believed violence was the only way to end capitalism Believed violence was the only way to end capitalism
Lenin (cont) Believed the Bolsheviks should work on gaining power of the soviets, unify and overthrow the provisional government Believed the Bolsheviks should work on gaining power of the soviets, unify and overthrow the provisional government Slogan: “Peace, land and bread” Slogan: “Peace, land and bread” Promised to: Promised to: –End the war –Redistribute land –Transfer factories from private ownership to the workers –Transfer power from the provisional government to the soviets
Soviet Take-Over Bolsheviks gained the majority in Petrograd and Moscow Bolsheviks gained the majority in Petrograd and Moscow Overthrew the Provisional Government on Nov. 6 Overthrew the Provisional Government on Nov. 6 Little bloodshed Little bloodshed Lenin turned the power of the Provisional Government over to the Congress of the Soviets Lenin turned the power of the Provisional Government over to the Congress of the Soviets **Real power was in a council headed by Lenin **Real power was in a council headed by Lenin
End of the war Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany*** Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany*** –Gave up Eastern part of Poland, Ukraine, Finland and the Baltic provinces –Humiliating loss for Russia but they believed the Soviets would take over Europe so they would get their land back shortly
Civil War in Russia Civil War fought between Civil War fought between “Reds” versus “Whites” “Reds” versus “Whites” “Whites” included supporters of the tsar, more moderate socialists, Ukrainians, and the Allied forces who hoped to bring Russia back into the war and end communism “Whites” included supporters of the tsar, more moderate socialists, Ukrainians, and the Allied forces who hoped to bring Russia back into the war and end communism
Strength of the Red Army Army organized by Leon Trotsky Army organized by Leon Trotsky –Known as the CHEKA** Secret police – created the “Red Terror” Secret police – created the “Red Terror” –Terror campaign against anyone opposed to the revolutionary government
Royal Family killed*** The Romanov family were shot by the Bolsheviks and bodies burned in a near by mine shaft The Romanov family were shot by the Bolsheviks and bodies burned in a near by mine shaft EXECUTION VIDEO EXECUTION VIDEO EXECUTION VIDEO EXECUTION VIDEO