Sample essays for analysis Student samples – 2014 What were the major challenges facing the Tsar in 1855?
Introduction – Student sample one There were many challenges faced by the tsars of Russia during the 19 th century. The main challenge was the autocratic system which hindered the development of the nation and left Russia far behind other western European nations. The majority of the population in Russia were serfs and the country depended heavily on agriculture. The lack of industries contributed to the defeat of the in the Crimean War. Another crucial challenge was the vastness of Russia which made it difficult for the Tsars to manage the nation.
Introduction – Student sample two The Tsars of Russia faced various obstacles during their reign of power in the 18 th century. Russia’s backwardness proved to be a significant difficulty facing the Tsars both militarily and industrially. In addition, the vastness and geographical complexity of Russia only made aspects such as transportation and communication obstacles difficult to overcome. With the vastness comes the diversity of ethnic groups in Russia, each group searched for its own interests, causing social unrest.
Introduction – Student sample three The Romanov dynasty faced for hundreds of years relatively the same socio-economical issues. The Tsars of Russia had always ruled autocratically and ran their economy based on an agricultural system, supported by serfdom, which was constituted by millions of serfs (90% of the population.) This essay will examine the different socio-economical and political challenges of Russia.
Introduction – Student sample four During the 19 th Century the Tsars ruled Russia using autocracy as their government system. These tsars faced challenge in ruling Russia such as its great dependence on agriculture, its geographic disadvantages, the different national groups roaming in Russia and the situation of serfdom.
Introduction – Student sample five The Tsars ruling Russia in the 19 th century faced many challenges whilst in power. The reasons behind the problems faces were that there were too many ethnic groups, each group wanted a different way of living, Russia also was technologically disadvantaged compare to the rest of the European countries sill depending on agriculture and had a major problem with the vastness of the country. All these challenges were prior to the Crimean War and eventually the downfall of Russia.
Introduction – Student sample six Ruling Russia throughout the 19 th century posed many complex challenges for the Tsarist system of government. The unwavering desire from the Tsars to hold onto an autocratic style of government meant that they were unable to face the challenges of the modern age. The geographical vastness and large areas of harsh environment posed problems for agricultural development, industrialisation, and improved communication and transportation systems. The feudal social structure of the country, with its dependence on serfdom and the lack of an educated middle class ensured that inefficiency and backwardness would continue to plague to Tsarist empire. It would be inevitable the Imperial Tsars would find it difficult to manage Russia peacefully and provide Russians with security and prosperity.
Body Paragraphs 1.Autocratic Style of Government meant suppression of political reform, dissatisfaction from the people. Peasant revolts, Inefficient and corrupt government. An inability to ‘listen’ to the people – a distance from the population
Body Paragraphs 2. Geography Underdeveloped eastern part Rich in resources, but lacking transportation/ communication systems. Trans – Siberian railway compared to UK The vastness also meant that difficult to govern – due to the variety of ethnic and religious groups. Causes tension. Peasant revolts Challenge to unite a people behind Russia
Body Paragraphs 3. Industrialisation Backward – agricultural. In 1885 only 1.6% lived in cities Dependence on agriculture for survival weakens economy – subject to bad harvests – families An under developed banking system – poor trading opportunities Poorly skilled population And the Crimean war in the 1850’s exposed the backwardness of Russia
Body Paragraphs 4.Social Structure Serfdom – still very feudal and the Tsarist system didn’t want to change. Nobility and aristocracy very powerful – prevented reform Small middle class – limited educational opportunities for the majority of the population Russian group the most influential – therefore other groups often marginalised
Other factors…… The Russian economy Russia and opposition groups Russia and religion – orthodox Russia and military Two periods – Alex II – did try to make some changes after 1861.