Making Nouns Plural Italian 1
Masculine Nouns All masculine nouns ending in –o change the –o to –i.
Examples Singular Plural cangurocanguri ragazzoragazzi cugino cugini
Feminine Nouns All feminine nouns ending in –a change the –a to – e.
Examples Singular Plural nonna nonne sorella sorelle gallina galline
Nouns ending in -e Nouns ending in – e in the singular form change the – e to – i.
Examples SingularPlural canecani tigretigri leoneleoni elefanteelefanti
Irregular Nouns SingularPlural un’ocadue oche (add –he in front of the –ca) uno zootre zoo (Zoo is a borrowed word from another language and doesn’t change.)
Irregular Nouns Singular Plural amicoamici amicaamiche ziozii ziazie