WHAT TYPE OF GOVERNMENT DID THEY HAVE IN RUSSIA? Up until 1917, Russia had a MONARCHY Their king was called a CZAR The last Czar of Russia was named CZAR NICHOLAS II Midway through WW1 there was a Revolution, and Russia became a Socialist Nation Under Lenin, Russia became a Dictatorship
WHO WERE THE LEADERS OF RUSSIA? Czar Nicholas the 2 nd (until 1917) Well liked, until Rasputin ruined his reputations Lenin (1918 – 1924) A lifelong Socialist who believed in Equality Did not tolerate opposition to his ideas Stalin (1924 – 1959) A monster Dictator Responsible for the death of 20 million people before WW2
IMPORTANT EVENTS, IDEAS OR PEOPLE INCLUDE: The Russian Revolution of 1917 Many factions including the White Army, The Red Army, The Green Army & Nationalists Resulted in the death of the entire Russian Royal Family
IMPORTANT EVENTS, IDEAS OR PEOPLE INCLUDE: Russia becomes the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922) The USSR existed until 1991 Main opponent of the USA in the Cold War Name chosen because Russia became a Communist nation
IMPORTANT EVENTS, IDEAS OR PEOPLE INCLUDE: The Purges (1934 – 1939) Stalin did not tolerate ANY opposition Enemies were sent to GULAG’s (prisons) in Siberia Here they were worked to death More than 2 million Russians were killed during the Purges…
WHAT WERE THE EFFECTS OF WW1 ON RUSSIA? Russia was a primary reason that the war began Russia fought Germany for 3 years before leaving the War in 1917 Russia did not take part in the Paris Peace Conference, and thus made no gain.
HOW PREPARED WAS RUSSIA FOR WW2? Russia was in bad shape leading into WW2 Russians feared their Government Stalin’s “purges” had left the Army and Air Force severely weakened Many of his Generals and Pilots had been suspected of disloyalty and had been arrested!
A TIMELINE OF RUSSIAN HISTORY The Russian Revolution Lenin takes over Russia becomes the USSR Lenin dies Stalin Takes Over 1930’s Ukraine Famine 1934 – 1939 The Purges
MY SOURCES ON THIS ASSIGNMENT WERE: – accessed on May 10, 2016