Speaker: Yu-Jen Lai Cheng-Chih Chao Advisor: Hung-Yu Wei 2009/06/08 1 Dong Nguyen, Tuan Tran, Thinh Nguyen, and Bella Bose, Fellow, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, FEBRUARY 2009
Introduction – Network Coding Broadcast Schemes Performance Analysis Simulation Result Conclusion 2009/06/082
How to transmit data reliably? Traditional approaches: 1.Automatic repeat-request (ARQ) 2.Forward error correction (FEC) 2009/06/083
R 1 can recover b as a+(a+b) R 2 can recover a as b+(a+b) 2009/06/084
We can use Network Coding for both increase reliability and throughput 2009/06/085
Scheme A (Memoryless Receiver) The sender has to resend a packet until all the receivers receive this packet correctly and simultaneously Scheme B (Typical ARQ Scheme) Receiver immediately sends a NAK only if there is a packet loss in the current time slot 2009/06/086
Scheme C (Time-Based Retransmission) Transmission phase and retransmission phase The sender maintains a list of lost packets In the retransmission phase, xoring a maximum set of the lost packet to retransmit Scheme D (Improved Time-Based Retransmission) Dynamically change the combined packets based on what the receivers have received 2009/06/087 Scheme CScheme D
Transmission bandwidth The average number of transmissions required to successfully transmit a packet Calculate BW of schemes A, B, C, D. Let p i denote the packet loss probability of receiver i. 2009/06/088
Scheme A and B (2 receivers) M receivers
Proof (2 receivers) Let X1 and X2 be the numbers of attempts to deliver a packet to R1 and R2
Proof (M receivers)
Scheme C (2 receivers) Proof N: buffer size, assume p1<p2
Scheme C (M receivers) Proof
Scheme D (M receivers) Proof In the long run, the number of losses will be dominated by the number of losses at the receiver with the largest error probability
Calculate network coding gain Compare the BW of C and D with B
Simulation categories A.Packet losses independent, uncorrelated across the receivers B.Packet losses independent, correlated across the receivers C.Burst losses (using two-state Markov chain)
Transmission bandwidths of schemes A, B, C, D, under 2 receivers and p2=0.1, p1 varies The number of transmissions per successful packet in scheme D is the smallest, which is slightly more efficient than scheme C.
Network coding gain V.S. different p 1 The gain is largest when p1 and p2 is equal. Because in this case, the maximum number of lost packet pairs is achieved. On the other hand, when two receivers have disparate packet loss rates, the coding gain is small
Transmission bandwidth versus the number of receivers Scheme C and D significantly outperform scheme A and B when the number of receivers is large Scheme C increases very slightly ; Scheme D is unchange (Theorem 3)
Network coding gain V.S. packet loss probability in a 5- receiver scenario The packet loss probabilities at other receivers are: p2=p3=0, p4=p1+0.3, p5=0.3 Even if some receiver without a packet loss, network coding scheme is still better.
Transmission bandwidth of finite buffer size For infinite buffer size simulation, N = In this case, we consider finite buffer size under p1=p2. We can see that BW is lower when buffer size increase. It is because that larger buffer size has more coding pair and more coding opportunity.
Categories B: Correlate packet loss
Correlate packet loss (conditional prob.) More correlated, less loss pair to code
Categories C: Two-state Markov chain Two channel state: “bad” and “good” α=p good→bad ; β=p bad→good
Advantage The idea of using network coding is good (scheme C). (In scheme D) It also concern that retransmission packet may be loss only at part of receivers. The analysis procedure is simple and result is concise (closed-form). Drawback Some condition can be improved The full knowledge of which packet loss by which receiver The price of using network coding is that packet need to be decoded in receiver (but this price is small compared with the network coding gain) Simulation is too many simplification(ex. no contention, no higher layer considered) As the buffer increase, the latency may also increase (not suitable for multimedia applications) It will break down if there is no feedback channel Full of ACK in this system since it assume BS knows everything; besides, there is a big problem that broadcast ACK may contention severely 2009/06/0825
Hamming (7,4) code: 2009/06/0827