LEBANON A Piece Of Heaven On Earth
French Mandate Flag
T h e F i r s t L e b a n e s e F l a g, t h e I n d e p e n d e n c e F l a g, s i g n e d b y d e p u t i e s
The Lebanese Independence Day, on November 22, 1943, is a national day celebrated in remembrance of the liberation from the French Mandate which was exercised over Lebanese soil for over 23 years.
We have our LEBANON W e m a d e o u r L E B A N O N Proud of our LEBANON
We have the RED: the martyrdom and self-sacrifice
We have the WHITE: the snow-capped peaks of Lebanon's mountains
We have the GREEN: the Cedar; Immortality and Tolerance
Capital: Beirut Area: 10,452 sq km (4036 sq mi) Population: 3,826,000 Climate: long, hot, and dry summer, and cool, rainy winter. Language: Arabic is the official language.Arabic French is the second most commonly used language and English is also spoken, especially in business circles. Religion: Unlike most other Arab countries, Lebanon is characterized by great religious and cultural diversity.
A Taste of Lebanon Kibbeh Hommos Bil Tahini Tabouli Baklava
Get to know the true beautiful lebanon… TRIPOLI ANJAR
“Dabke” is the most popular folk dance in Lebanon
We have our LEBANON and its beauty
Don’t fight …. Unite !!
The RED stripes symbolize the pure blood shed in the aim of liberation. The WHITE stripe symbolizes the white snow covering Lebanon's mountains. The GREEN cedar symbolizes immortality and steadiness.
Our Partner School Windsor & Maidenhead