WELCOME TO 6 TH GRADE RELA! Amanda Turlington Room 501
What to Expect in a RELA Classroom: Writing for a variety of audiences and purposes Practicing Reading Strategies Short Stories Novels – Walk Two Moons - The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 Poetry Drama Knowsys Vocabulary 2
Formative vs. Summative Grade Formative Assessments: Assessments FOR LEARNING - quizzes, AR checkpoints, daily assignments, warm-ups, S.S.R., rough drafts, and Quick Writes (written responses) Count for 40 % of your nine week’s grade Any grade below an 80 can be corrected to a maximum grade of an 80 in tutoring.
Formative vs. Summative Grade Summative Assessments: Assessments OF LEARNING – tests, AR 15-Point Checkpoints, final essay drafts, projects, and other unit tests. Count for 60 % of your nine week’s grade Any grade below an 80 can be corrected to a maximum grade of an 80 in tutoring.
Grading *Summative Assessments 60% of a student’s nine weeks’ average A minimum of 3 Summative Assessments per nine weeks *Formative Assessments 40% of a student’s nine weeks’ average A minimum of 2 Formative Assessments per week 5
Letter GradeScoreWhat it means… A I understand! Neat and complete! Excellent effort! B80-89 I mostly understand! I tried to complete and make neat. Good effort, but there’s room for improvement C70-79 I somewhat understand! Not all complete or neat May not be my best effort I need to ask more questions. FBelow 69 I do not understand. I need to ask for help. Not neat or complete What does my child’s grade mean?
Check out my Website Go to the KMS home page: Then, go to the “Teacher Websites” tab – Click on “ Amanda Turlington” Check weekly for assignments and upcoming assessments 8
On the website you can find… Assignments and homework Information on AR and Knowsys Dates for upcoming assessments Useful Documents and Links
What if my child needs help? Your child should attend tutoring. RELA TUTORING SCHEDULE: Mondays 8:00-8:25 AM 4:00-4:30 PM **Any other morning by request only** 11
What can my child do in tutoring? Get help with concepts and assignments Correct tests (except Knowsys) Complete make-up work Take an AR test 12
Can my child improve his/her grade? Fall Semester Corrections: Formative and Summative Assessments *Any grade earned below an 80, can be corrected in tutoring for a maximum grade of 80 *These corrections MUST be done on the very next RELA tutoring day only. 13
Formative Assessments *Any grade earned below an 80, can be corrected in tutoring for a maximum grade of 80 *These corrections MUST be done on the very next RELA tutoring day only. Summative Assessments – Expect a change! *Any grade earned below an 75, can be corrected in tutoring for a maximum grade of 75 *These corrections MUST be done on the very next RELA tutoring day only. 14 Spring Semester Corrections:
Things to know about Corrections : Corrections are to be done in tutoring (not at home). Students must come to tutoring knowing what assignments they need help with and need to correct. Students need to study before making corrections to ensure improvement. 15
More Things to know about Corrections : Knowsys Quizzes and in-class projects CANNOT be corrected. Your child will be given points not based on completion, but for accuracy and understanding. Your child will earn half credit back for each question corrected. 16
What should my child bring to class everyday? Planner Binder Pens/Pencils Notebook paper SSR (Library) book What we keep in the classroom: – Composition notebook – Textbooks 17
1st incident – warning and student may go get book from locker or borrow a book from the classroom library 2nd incident – contact home and student may go get book from locker or borrow a book from the classroom library 3rd incident – office referral and contact home **Additional incidents will result in office referrals until the tracking system resets at the start of second semester.** What if my child does not bring a book to class?
Will my child have homework? Since this is a 2 period “block”, students will finish most of their work in class. HOWEVER… Knowsys vocabulary: Students need to study words each night for at least 10 minutes. Independent reading: Students need to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night, even on the weekend, They should read a book that offers AR. points and bring the same book to class. 19
KNOWSYS Online site: Order flashcards through Amazon. Make sure you order 6 th Grade. Alternatives to Ordering Cards: 1. Students can make their flashcards. 2. You may download the Knowsys APP onto your electronic device for $4.99 ** If your student uses the app, they MUST fill out an electronic usage agreement.
Knowsys Steps to Success: SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday make flash cards at home OR read through the purchased cards read through the cards have someone quiz them; see if they can identify the definition without looking at the word write a sentence using each word with details/context clues hinting at the meaning
Accelerated Reader Students will read and complete books that offer AR points. Students can search for AR books and look up points AT HOME: Students will receive grades for AR and must get their AR contract signed each nine weeks. Your child should complete a book once every week to two weeks. They will get a Book Log to help keep track of points and books. We go to the library every week. More information will be sent home concerning the online AR program soon.
Have your child take Post-it notes as they read. Once they’ve read the book cover-to- cover, they take the AR test in class during the 20-minute S.S.R. time or in tutoring on Mondays. Your child should plan to earn at least 5 AR points every three weeks. Tips for AR:
How Can I Help My Child Become a Better Reader? Encourage your child to read a minimum of 20 minutes per day. They can even read aloud to you or with you. Have your child make predictions about what they think will happen next in the story. If it’s a nonfiction book, ask your child to explain the main idea and 2-3 most important details they learned. Ask your child to retell you something that they have read. Take your child to the library, and help them find books/materials that interest them. Encourage them to check out books on tape. Encourage your child to read the newspaper. (Even the comics) Encourage your child to prepare food according to a recipe or directions on the package.
Good readers take notes! Your child should write the page number on each note and stick in the book.
How Can I Help My Child Become a Better Writer? Encourage them to keep a diary/journal. Begin a reciprocal journal with your child-they write you a note/message and you respond to them in writing. When you read a word or phrase that sparks your interest – share that with your child. Encourage your child to read a variety of materials: books, magazines, newspapers etc… Look for examples of written language that evoke strong visual images and share them with your child.
How can I contact the teacher? Conference: 3 rd period 10:40-11:30 AM (M,T.W.F) 1:10-1:45 PM (Th) School Phone Number (my extension): address: ** is the best way to reach me!** 27
What if my child is absent? You child is responsible for picking up their work in class. They get 1 day to make up work per day absent. After the third day, parents can request make-up work through the office. You may check the website or me if you have any questions. 28
What if my child turns in an assignment late? Points will be deducted for each day the assignment is not turned in. Timeliness is key. 29
The Consequences for Late Work: Formative Assessments Late Work Policy KMS Late Work Policy :
Summative Assessments Late Work Policy KMS Late Work Policy : * Summative assessments must be made up in school.
How can parents find out my child’s average in RELA? Parents may view grades on-line using a link from the district’s website. A progress report is issued every three weeks of the grading period. 32
How can parents find out my child’s average in RELA? (continued) If a student’s average is 75 or below, I will provide each student a detailed progress report that shows each assignment, and the student’s grade. These detailed progress reports must be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher. If a student’s average is 75 or below, your child will be expected to attend Monday tutoring until their grade is brought up. You may also if you would like an digital copy of the report or an update on your child’s progress. 33
What are the Behavioral Expectations for the KMS? R espectful O n Time and Prepared A lways Safe R esponsible 34
Being “Respectful” in our classrooms means: Following all staff directives Speaking with good purpose at all times Signaling appropriately and waiting to be recognized before speaking Listening attentively when others are speaking
Being “On Time and Prepared” in our classroom means: Having materials available in class Keeping binder and assignments organized Keeping planner updated Having SSR book with them each day Using the restroom between classes
Being “Always Safe” in our classroom means: Keeping hands, feet and objects to themselves No horseplay No harassing or bullying others
Being “Responsible” in our classroom means: Taking charge of their own actions Always telling the truth Leaving the environment better than they found it
THANKS FOR COMING!!! We are going to have a great school year here at KMS!!
Conference? If you have concerns that you would like to speak to me about please fill out an index card with your contact information, best time to reach you, and a little information regarding the issue. Place completed cards in the white basket on my desk. Thank You!