Study Support Qualifications Pathways Seminar 18 February 2016
Study leave policy What is available? Employees may be granted up to a maximum of five (5) hours time off with pay for study purposes per week. The amount of paid leave granted will be up to the employers’ discretion. Conditions Study time is allocated for : Attending formal classes within normal working hours. undertaking approved study via distance education Time off allowed per week includes the travel time to and from the place of study; Half of the time required by the employee to attend formal tuition must be taken in the employees’ own time;
Study leave policy Who is eligible ? Part time and full time employees are entitled to study leave. A pro rata entitlement will be calculated for: part time employees; employees working shift work; employees on a fixed term contract. The employee must be studying an approved course that relates to the work they perform. Employees must be undertaking an acceptable part-time study load, i.e. not less than five (5) hours per week of formal tuition undertaken during business hours/work time.
Study leave policy Who is not eligible ? Employees who have previously received study leave for an approved course are not automatically eligible for further study leave. Employees undertaking the Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention can not access study leave to complete the Diploma as classes are attended during work time Options for Diploma studies Formal Study leave options are not available Guidelines for managers on structured workplace learning is in development to address on the job learning (70% and 20%)
Study leave policy Conditions Time off with pay for study purposes will be granted at the discretion of the appropriate manager Approval of time off to attend lectures and tutorials, during normal business hours, will be subject to: Agency convenience; A balance between time off provided and own time invested, i.e. an acceptable part-time study load should be regarded as not less than five hours per week of formal tuition with at least half of the total formal study commitment being undertaken in the employees own time; Employees making satisfactory progress with their studies; The course being an approved course; The course being of value to the agency. Continuation of study leave depends on satisfactory academic performance; Study leave will not be available to repeat a unit.
Study leave policy Option 1: Attendance of Lectures and Tutorials An acceptable part time study load should be regarded as not less than five hours per week of formal tuition. Up to 5 hours paid leave per week, including travelling times where that study time is spent attending formal classes. An equivalent amount of the employees own time must also be invested for study purposes; Where classes are attended fortnightly employees can average attendance over 2 weeks to calculate the amount of time needed to qualify for paid study leave. Option 1: Attendance of Lectures and Tutorials An acceptable part time study load should be regarded as not less than five hours per week of formal tuition. Up to 5 hours paid leave per week, including travelling times where that study time is spent attending formal classes. An equivalent amount of the employees own time must also be invested for study purposes; Where classes are attended fortnightly employees can average attendance over 2 weeks to calculate the amount of time needed to qualify for paid study leave. Option 2: Block Release (Compulsory) The employee may choose to accrue his/her approved hours of paid study each week and subsequently take block release at any time during the semester for study purposes as required (on approval of Director/District Director). Option 2: Block Release (Compulsory) The employee may choose to accrue his/her approved hours of paid study each week and subsequently take block release at any time during the semester for study purposes as required (on approval of Director/District Director). Options for Graduate studies
Study leave policy Option 4: Online Study and Study by correspondence Employees undertaking courses of study only available via the internet (e-learning), or correspondence, may be granted up to an equivalent of five hours paid time off for study purposes per week. Option 4: Online Study and Study by correspondence Employees undertaking courses of study only available via the internet (e-learning), or correspondence, may be granted up to an equivalent of five hours paid time off for study purposes per week. Option 3: Combination of Attendance at Lecture and Tutorials AND Block release Subject to operational requirements, an employee may elect to use a combination of leave to attend lectures and tutorials as well as leave for block release, in which case the allowance of 5 hours paid leave per week, including travelling time, will still apply. Option 3: Combination of Attendance at Lecture and Tutorials AND Block release Subject to operational requirements, an employee may elect to use a combination of leave to attend lectures and tutorials as well as leave for block release, in which case the allowance of 5 hours paid leave per week, including travelling time, will still apply.
Process The employee completes Application for Study Leave (Form 073) and forwards to line/unit manager for approval. The line manager considers request in regards to the course being of value to the Department, taking into account the impact on the Business Unit. The line manager approves the application and forward Form 073 to the unit Administrative Officer, who advises applicant of the approval for time off and forward leave form to HR Payroll Services. Resources Admin Manual Study Leave Study leave policy
What is available? Financial assistance with HECS-HELP fees - up to 50% assistance for a maximum of two years (equivalent full time load study), Who is eligible ? All employees undertaking study towards a qualification eligible for GWO SC, or employed in a Psychologist position and do not possess a relevant Master of Psychology degree. Study help
General Conditions Employees must be permanent ; casuals and fixed term employees are not eligible. The applicant is not to already hold a degree eligible for GWO SC, or a relevant Master of Psychology (for those in Psychologist positions). Evidence of successful progress is to be provided Fees for any particular unit will only be reimbursed once; Reimbursement will not be approved for units that are not completed, for which the employee has withdrawn, not passed or received a ‘conceded pass’ Reimbursement submissions must be made within three (3) months of receipt of academic transcript for the relevant study. HECS-Help assistance will not be granted retrospectively, if an employee has already completed a course or unit they can not include it in their application and claim for reimbursement. A call for applications will be made twice a year. Study help
General Conditions Reimbursements is done on a semester basis. The employee must be a Commonwealth-supported student and eligible for HECS-HELP. Where an employee is not eligible for HECS-HELP (e.g. permanent resident, NZ citizen) the level of support provided will be equivalent to that provided for an Australian citizen. That is, 50 % reimbursement of fees that an Australian citizen would pay. Employee’s receiving HECS-HELP assistance are required to remain in the employment of the Department for a period of two (2) years at the completion of the qualification. Should an employee fail to remain employed by the Department for this period they may be required to pay an amount equal to the aggregate amount they have received as part of HECS-HELP assistance. Study help
The application process is competitive and approval of applications is based on the following priority order: Priority 1: Aboriginal employees wanting to achieve SC qualifications are given principal priority; Priority 2: Employees appointed to General Division equivalent positions who have completed the Diploma of Child Youth and Family Intervention and do not have a qualification that will allow appointment to a SC position; Priority 3: Employees appointed to General Division equivalent positions and do not have a qualification that will allow appointment to a SC position; Priority 4: Employees in a Case Support Officer (CSO) role who are studying towards a qualification that will allow appointment to a SC qualification; Priority 5: Employees appointed to psychologist positions who are undertaking a Master of Psychology - Clinical or Counselling; Priority 6: Employees in residential care who are studying towards a qualification that will allow appointment to a SC qualification; Priority 7: Employees in other roles in the Department currently studying towards a qualification that will allow appointment to a SC qualification.
GWO Specified Calling qualifications Employees have either: – completed the Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention OR –completed the equivalent to first year of an undergraduate degree that is eligible for GWO SC. The course that is being supported is eligible for GWO SC. To ensure that the course being undertaken is eligible for GWO SC employees must first gain course approval for HECS-HELP support before applying for a HECS-HELP reimbursement. –This requires a Course Approval application and a study plan to be submitted for assessment. Study help
Bachelor of Social Work, qualifying Master of Social Work or a four year Psychology degree do not require course approval as they have automatic eligibility. The first year (full-time study load equivalent) will not be reimbursed, except where an employee has undertaken the Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention and has not been given advanced standing for all units in the first year of the qualification. Maximum of two years (subsequent to first year full time study load equivalent) of a relevant undergraduate degree may be reimbursed. Employees studying a Masters of Social Work (Qualifying) will be reimbursed from the commencement of study. Study help
Master of Psychology qualifications The individual must be employed in a Psychologist position, and have a relevant Psychology undergraduate degree. The course that is being supported is a relevant Master of Psychology degree. Employees studying a Master of Psychology will be reimbursed from the commencement of study. The level of support that will be provided will be 50% of HECS-HELP fees per unit after the first year of study (full-time study load equivalent) for undergraduate degrees. Study help
Process Employee submit a HECS-HELP Course Approval form This is to assess and/or confirm whether a course is eligible for Graduate Welfare Officer (GWO) Specified Calling (SC) against the Child Protection Qualifications Framework (CPQF). Degrees that will automatically be considered eligible are: Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Psychology (4 years) and Masters in Social Work (Qualifying). Master of Psychology. All other degrees will need to be assessed. At the end of a semester, employees complete the HECS-HELP Reimbursement form and submit to Workforce Strategy for approval and reimbursement. Resources Admin Manual Entry HECS-HELP Assistance Study help
Staff employed in country districts who are studying a course eligible for GWO SC or eligible employees studying Master of Psychology, either externally or on-line, who are required to attend block release, may be assisted with travel costs within Western Australia. Accommodation costs will not be reimbursed. Funding for travel costs will be from the district budget. Interstate travel will be considered on a case by case basis by the relevant Executive Director. Travel Costs
What is available? The Paid Work Placement Benefit only applies if a compulsory field placement is required to complete the qualification. Who is eligible ? Employees undertaking a Graduate Welfare Officer (GWO) Specified Calling (SC) course and employees studying a Master of Psychology requiring work placements are eligible to apply for a Paid Work Placement. Staff are eligible for a paid work placement if they are studying one of the following degrees which has a compulsory field education placement: –Bachelor of Social Work; –Master of Social Work (Qualifying); –Master of Psychology (clinical or counselling); or a –Relevant human services degree (as approved by the Specified Callings Qualifications Assessment Committee (SCQAC)). Paid Work Placements
Staff who already hold a degree approved by SCQAC are not eligible for a paid work placement if they choose to enrol in further study, unless it is to qualify as a Clinical or Counselling Psychologist. General Conditions Final placements are given preference to first placements. The Department generally funds only one placement per employee. Applicants for a paid work placement must be permanent employees who have worked for the Department for at least two years and are studying for a degree that will attract Specified Callings. Paid Work Placements
Application Process Opportunity to submit applications for a Paid Work Placements are advertised in March and November each year. Applications close on the last working day of March and November. Applicants will be assessed against the following priorities: Priority 1: child protection workers who are in a Specified Callings(temporarily filled as General Division) position but who do not have a qualification approved by the SCQAC; Priority 2: Staff employed as psychologists in a Master of Psychology - Clinical or Counselling; Priority 3: Staff in residential care studying for a degree approved by SCQAC; Priority 4: Staff who are currently studying for a degree approved by SCQAC. Paid Work Placements
Resources Administration Manual Paid Work Placements Paid Work Placements