N-body Simulations and Gravitational Lensing with Dark Energy Beyond Einstein Meeting, May 13, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

N-body Simulations and Gravitational Lensing with Dark Energy Beyond Einstein Meeting, May 13, 2004

Outline Why Structure Formation and Dark Energy? Studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation: achievements and plans Dark Energy Models Considered: Minimally Coupled (Quintessence), Degenerate Today, Different in the Past Cluster Concentrations (Dolag etal. 2003, A&A 416, 853) Lensing (Arc Statistics, Meneghetti etal. 2004, A&A submitted, astro-ph/ ) Next Steps

Why studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation? Epochs of structure formation and cosmic acceleration overlap

Why studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation? Epochs of structure formation and cosmic acceleration overlap Looking for signatures of a possible link between the two processes

Why studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation? Epochs of structure formation and cosmic acceleration overlap Looking for signatures of a possible link between the two processes Essential complement to the CMB data to compare the early, well behaving universe and the present weird cosmology Kuhlen etal. 2004, Dolag etal. 2004, Linder & Jenkins 2003, Klypin et al. 2003, …

The Corrupted Universe z=1000, Flat, sCDM z=0, Accelerating, Large Scale Power Lack

Studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation: Achievements and Plans Background and Linear Perturbations Input to The N-body Machinery (gadget) Cluster Dependence on The Behavior of the Dark Energy Equation of State Imprint on Lensing Arc Statistics Large Boxes Merging Weak Lensing CMB Distortion Time Variation of G Dark Energy and Gravity Two Component Clustering Dolag etal. A&A 416, 853, 2004, Meneghetti etal. A&A submitted, astro-ph/ , Bartelmann etal. A&A 409, 449, 2003, A&A 400, 19, 2003, A&A 396, 21, 2002

DE, lin. Pert., Carlo Baccigalupi DE theory & models, Francesca Perrotta Trieste

DE, lin. Pert., Carlo Baccigalupi DE theory & models, Francesca Perrotta Lensing, Str.Form., Matthias Bartelmann Lensing, Massimo Meneghetti Heidelberg

DE, lin. Pert., Carlo Baccigalupi DE theory & models, Francesca Perrotta Lensing, Str.Form., Matthias Bartelmann Lensing, Massimo Meneghetti Str. Form., Lauro Moscardini N-body, Klaus Dolag Str. Form., Giuseppe TormenBologna Padua

DE, lin. Pert., Carlo Baccigalupi DE theory & models, Francesca Perrotta Lensing, Str.Form., Matthias Bartelmann Lensing, Massimo Meneghetti Str. Form., Lauro Moscardini N-body, Klaus Dolag Str. Form., Giuseppe Tormen

Dark Energy Models Cosmological Constant (LCDM), Constant w=-0.6 Effective Dark Energy (DECDM), RP and SUGRA Quintessence, Open Cold Dark Matter (OCDM) Criticalities: Equation of state behavior, Linear growth factor

Clusters Parent simulation:  CDM, particles in 479 h -1 kpc, 17 clusters identified at z=0 with radius between 5 and 10 h -1 Mpc, mass exceeding 3 £ M o. Clusters re-sampled with 10 6 particles background evolution and initial conditions according to the underlying dark energy scenario Mass resolution: 10 9 h -1 M o

Cluster Concentration Radial profile binning and concentration found from a NFW fit Comparison of the numerically determined concentrations with semi-analytical expectations

Cluster Concentration

Simulating Arcs 52 equidistant time snapshots between z=0 and 1 Surface density map from the central cluster region (3 h -1 Mpc comoving) 2048 £ 2048 light tracing grid in the central quarter of the lens plane Deflection angle computed summing all contributions from the surface density map Background galaxies at z=1 Lensed images built out of the light rays lying within single sources

Simulating Arcs

Caustics, Critical Curves and Cross Sections

Optical Depth

Studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation: Achievements and Plans Background and Linear Perturbations Input to The N-body Machinery (gadget) Cluster Dependence on The Behavior of the Dark Energy Equation of State Imprint on Lensing Arc Statistics Large Boxes Merging Weak Lensing CMB Distortion Time Variation of G Dark Energy and Gravity Two Component Clustering

Studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation: Achievements and Plans Background and Linear Perturbations Input to The N-body Machinery (gadget) Cluster Dependence on The Behavior of the Dark Energy Equation of State Imprint on Lensing Arc Statistics Large Boxes Merging Weak Lensing CMB Distortion Time Variation of G Dark Energy and Gravity Two Component Clustering

CMB bispectrum B l m l` m` l`` m`` =a lm a l`m` a l``m`` a lm = s  (  )Y lm (  )d  B l l`l`` =  m m` m`` ( m l m` l` m`` l`` ) a lm a l`m` a l``m`` l l` l``  (  ) ´  T(  )/T

CMB bispectrum & Structure Formation =0 =0  0  0

CMB bispectrum line of sight chronology l -1 horizon crossing,  decaying linearly, dQ/dz>0 z !1 :super-horizon scales in a flat CDM universe, dP  /d  =0, dQ/dz ! 0 z r Non-linearity,  grows, dQ/dz<0 z ! 0, vanishes, dQ/dz ! 0 onset of acceleration, change in cosmic equation of state,  decaying linearly, dQ/dz>0

CMB bispectrum & Dark Energy Giovi, Baccigalupi, Perrotta PRD 2003, astro-ph/

Studying Dark Energy with Structure Formation: Achievements and Plans Background and Linear Perturbations Input to The N-body Machinery (gadget) Cluster Dependence on The Behavior of the Dark Energy Equation of State Imprint on Lensing Arc Statistics Large Boxes Merging Weak Lensing CMB Distortion Time Variation of G Dark Energy and Gravity Two Component Clustering