Crime and Punishment
Assault I (1) A person commits the crime of assault in the first degree if the person intentionally causes serious physical injury to another by means of a deadly or dangerous weapon. 7 years 6 months
Attempted Murder Intended to kill a person 7 years 6 months
Kidnapping I (1) A person commits the crime of kidnapping in the first degree if the person violates ORS with any of the following purposes:ORS (a) To compel any person to pay or deliver money or property as ransom; or (b) To hold the victim as a shield or hostage; or (c) To cause physical injury to the victim; or (d) To terrorize the victim or another person. 7 years 6 months Unless, the victim is under 12 and has been raped. Then it is 25 years.
Murder Intent. Murder occurs as a result of another crime. 25 years
Rape I A person who has sexual intercourse with another person commits the crime of rape in the first degree if: (a) The victim is subjected to forcible compulsion by the person; (b) The victim is under 12 years of age; (c) The victim is under 16 years of age and is the person's sibling, of the whole or half blood, the person's child or the person's spouse's child; or (d) The victim is incapable of consent by reason of mental defect, mental incapacitation or physical helplessness. 8 years 4 months Unless, the victim is under is 12. Then it is 25 years.
Robbery I (1) A person commits the crime of robbery in the first degree if the person violates ORS and the person:ORS (a) Is armed with a deadly weapon; or (b) Uses or attempts to use a dangerous weapon; or (c) Causes or attempts to cause serious physical injury to any person. 7 years 6 months
Sexual Abuse I (1) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the first degree when that person: (a) Subjects another person to sexual contact and: ( A) The victim is less than 14 years of age; (B) The victim is subjected to forcible compulsion by the actor; or (C) The victim is incapable of consent by reason of being mentally defective, mentally incapacitated or physically helpless; or (b) Intentionally causes a person under 18 years of age to touch or contact the mouth, anus or sex organs of an animal for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of a person. 6 years 3 months
Compelling Prostitution (1) A person commits the crime of compelling prostitution if the person knowingly: (a) Uses force or intimidation to compel another to engage in prostitution; or (b) Induces or causes a person under 18 years of age to engage in prostitution; or (c) Induces or causes the spouse, child or stepchild of the person to engage in prostitution. 5 years, 10 months
Aggravated Murder Receiving money for murder, soliciting murder, one or more victims, murder as a result of maiming or torturing, victim was under age 14, police officer murdered in the midst of doing the job 30 years
Arson I (1) A person commits the crime of arson in the first degree if, by starting a fire or causing an explosion, the person intentionally damages: (a) Protected property of another. (b) Any property, whether the property of the person or the property of another person, and such act recklessly places another person in danger of physical injury or protected property of another in danger of damage; or (c) Any property, whether the property of the person or the property of another person, and recklessly causes serious physical injury to a firefighter or peace officer acting in the line of duty relating to the fire. (2) Arson in the first degree is a Class A felony. 7 years, 6 months
Class A Felony 20 years, $375k Assault 1 Repeat DUII Kidnapping 1 Manslaughter I
Class B Felony 10 years, $250k Drug distribution Aggravated theft (over $10k, not including vehicles) Assault 2
Class C Felony 5 years, $125k Hit and Run DUII – 3 rd Offense Assault 3
Class A Misedemeanor 1 year, $6250 Assault 4 (harm through negligence) Credit Card Fraud DUII Disorderly Conduct I (call in bomb threat)
Class B Misdemeanor 6 months, $2500 Disorderly Conduct II (fighting, noise, obstruction of justice) Harassment (stalking) Unlawful Concealed Carry
Class C Misdemeanor 30 days, $1250 Theft 3
Marijuana Research
Marijuana Possession – less than 1 oz $500-$1000 fine Violation Within 1000 ft of a school – Class C Misdemeanor
Marijuana Possession – more than 1 oz Class B Felony Up to 10 years in prison, $250k fine
Marijuana Possession – intent to sell Regardless of amount Class B Felony Also know: Those 17 and older that deliver any amount of marijuana to a minor at least three year younger – if convicted is a Class A Felony
MIP Holding alcohol, consumed alcohol, attempting to purchase alcohol Class B Violation $260 and required to attend Victim’s Impact Panel