TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 1 T1 SW status
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 2 Generalities T1 SW developed in CMSSW FW v.1_0_1 but compatible with any 1_0_x Tested with 1_1_2 (latest stable) Code is private up to now. Our own CVS repository used.
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 3 DataFormats Digis T1DetId T1Data T1DigiSantiard T1DigiVfat T1DigiWire T1RawData DetId Geometry ForwardCommonData ForwardSimData TotemGeometry IORawData ASCII & Bin input T1RawDataReader SimG4CMS G4 simulation Forward SimTotem Digitization T1Digitizer EventFilter T1RawToDigi T1 SW DQM T1MonitorDigi
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 4 T1 code Geometry: xml files ready and tested –New: sensitive area as Union solid Test beam T1
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 5 …T1 code SimG4CMS/Forward: –G4 simulation working properly with different geometry configurations and with different generators: only Pythia tested as plugged-in; some old cmkin ntuples converted but not systematically checked. –Code mixed up in the same package with Castor and ZDC… –TotemGem watcher (old historical name to be changed) implemented to generate old style ntuples for back compatibility
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 6 … T1 code DataFormats: all the classes that need to be persistent (saved in the Event) –T1RawData (essentially VfatFrames and VF Collections) –T1Digi’s: T1DigiWire (for anodes), T1DigiSantiard and T1DigiVfat (for cathodes for different electronics) –T1DetId: standard (int32 formatted) numbering scheme; for the 7 MS bits → 7 for TOTEM, 1 for T1.
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 7 … T1 code EventFilter: packages for the Raw to Digi conversion in three different configurations (T1RawToDigiSantiard, Vfat, TB (mixed) ) IORawData: source modules for ascii and bin raw data import SimTotem: digitization –T1DigitizerTB: first approx. digitization –T1Digitizer: full digitization (work in progress)
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 8 …T1 code DQM: data quality monitor (tests on real data and simulation ok) Run 2024-VFAT channels Simulated muon – IGUANA screenshot
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 9 Next Implement digitization (in progress) –Charge generation and collection as in CMS Muon CSCs (mutatis mutandis) – status: code ready, to be tested –Digitization through electronics simulation – status: to be started Reconstruction (porting of existing code where possible) - status: to be started Test TB code with cosmics data
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 10 T1 in CMSSW: summary Geometry: OK G4 simulation: OK Raw data IO: OK DQM: OK Digitization: in progress Reconstruction: to be implemented – (old existing code to be ported) People involved: Filippo and myself
TOTEM Collaboration Meeting 13/12/06 Fabrizio Ferro-INFN-Ge 11 General comments T1 and T2 (and RP) can live in separate (sub-) packages up to track reconstruction. For any T1something a T2something package can be implemented. Even if the code of the two dets can be developed independently up to track reconstruction, sooner or later a unique repo should be implemented. How do we deal with CMS our developing? Hypernews: TOTEM-Offline mailing list ok, but we should definitely migrate to hypernews.