Neutron HP updates KOI, Tatsumi SLAC 9/19/20111Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
Neutron HP updates NDL3.15 update to ENDF-VII.0 New codes for NDL3.15 – MF6MT102 – High order Legendre coefficients Thermal Scattering – Data update to ENDF-VII.0 – Better user experiences 9/19/20112Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
G4NDL3.15 (at 9.5beta) Current data will be fully replaced by ENDF-VII.0 based data – No more unknown origin data – Still they can be used (keep backward compatibility for a while) ENDF-VII.0 has 393 isotopes data from 1H1 to 100Fm255 – 3 natural abundance data (C, V and Zn) – 9 excited isomer data (27Co058m1, 47Ag110m1, 48Cd115m1, 52Te127m1, 52Te129m1, 61Pm148m1, 67Ho166m1, 95Am242m1 and 95Am244m1) Converted all the data of ENDF VII.0 with several exceptions – NJOY Error 90Th232 – Negative XS in njoyed data 17Cl35, 28Ni58 (Fix by hand) – Comp reactions without MT 4(n), 103(p), 104(d), 105(t), 106(He3), 107(z) 4Be7, 33As74, 33As75, 39Y90, 91Pa231 and 91Pa233 Add line-gamma data from Np to Cf into Inelastic/Gammas Public G4NDL3.15 will include the data up to U (with fission data) 90Th232, 33As75, 39Y90, 91Pa231 and 91Pa233 are converted from ENDF VI.r8 – 4Be7, 33As74 remained no data 9/19/20113Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
G4NDL3.15 (for the coming release) Default G4NDL3.15 is processed by NJOY-99.u364 with reconstruction tolerance of – The size of data files is close to 1GB. – G4NDL3.15_light which processed with the tolerance of 0.01 is also available. – Data size (and also memory consumption) becomes roughly half. G4NDL3.15 is not able to use from previous version of Geant4. (like v9.4) – Do we need to release the library, which keep the this direction of backward compatibility? 9/19/20114Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
Code update Enable to handle MF6MT102 format in ENDF libraries – The format which represents final state of capture reaction frequently used in recent data libraries High order Legendre coefficients – ENDF 6 allows to use up to 64. – Current NeutronHP only can handle up to 30. Many important bugs reported by CIMAT group 9/19/20115Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
Thermal Scattering Also update to ENDF/B-VII library of evaluated thermal neutron scattering data Followings scatterer data are available – H in H2O, H in Polyethylene – D in D2O – Graphite, Benzene – H in ZrH, Zr in ZrH – cold-para-H, cold-ortho-H – cold-para-D, cold-ortho-D – cold-l-CH4, cold-s-CH4 – Be-metal – Be in BeO, O in BeO – O in UO2, U in UO2 – Al-metal – Fe-metal 9/19/20116Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
Thermal Scattering Currently, to activate thermal scattering model user must define a G4Material from specific name of G4Element such as "TS_H_of_Water“. It will be automatically turn on, when a corresponding G4NistMaterial (G4_WATER) is used in geometry. – To be enabled to this, we needed to update of the interface of Hadronic Cross Section. (present at para3A) – Still user needs to register the model and cross sections in the physics list. An example is available in test11. Addressed Capture Cross Section Problem Collaborated work with not only HP but also LEND 9/19/20117Geant4 Collaboration Meeting