CCPD Board Meeting April 27, 2010 Overview and Consideration of Proposed CCPD Goals & Mission Statement
Discussion Regarding CCPD Goals 1.Overview of CCPD Goals (2000 to Present) 2. CCPD Funding Areas in Relation to Department’s Strategic Plan 3. Proposed Revisions 4. Consideration of Proposed Mission Statement & Goals
CCPD Vision, Mission & Goals As Adopted in 2000 Goals: 1.Attain crime rate of 6,102.5 Part 1 crimes per 100,000 pop. 2.Reduce rank among major cities to 30 th 3.Increase citizen participation in CODE BLUE 4.Support operations (equipment, technology, retention & recruitment) 5.Adoption of prevention focus by Police Dept. & Community 6.Secure environment for children’s education Vision: To become the safest major city in the United States Mission: To promote an enhanced feeling of safety for all citizens in all areas of the city, including neighborhoods, commercial areas, parks, and public facilities
Community Based Program Scoring Criteria CCPD Goals - As Adopted in 2000 Goals: 1.Attain crime rate of 6,102.5 Part 1 crimes per 100,000 pop. 2.Reduce rank among major cities to 30 th 3.Increase citizen participation in CODE BLUE 4.Support operations (equipment, technology, retention & recruitment) 5.Adoption of prevention focus by Police Dept. & Community 6.Secure environment for children’s education
CCPD Goals - As Adopted August 13, To continue to attain reductions in the crime rate and to reduce the rank of Fort Worth to 30 th among 40 major cities. 2. To expand the CODE BLUE program. *3. To improve information sharing, both internal and external, through exploring new technologies, while improving efficiency by replacing out-dated technology. 4. To support police operations and ensure safety through acquiring new equipment. *5. To recruit and train high quality officers. 6. To continue to support existing, and explore future, prevention programs. 7. To provide a secure environment in which children can receive an education. *8. To improve out-dated facilities funded by CCPD *9. To move targeted personnel cost to General Fund *10. To increase fund balance
Strategic Plan Fort Worth Police Department
Summary of Strategic Plan Initiatives 1.Partnerships & Community Relations 2.Public Awareness: Crime Prevention & Personal Safety 3.Crime Control & Prevention District 4.Intelligence Led Policing: Tactical & Other Planning & Analysis Strategies 5.Recruitment & Training 6.Internal Operations / Systems / Staffing 7.Financial Planning & Management 8.Technology 9.Facility Planning & Management (These are not listed in order of priority.)
Police Department’s Strategic Plan Initiatives 1.Partnerships & Community Relations 2.Public Awareness: Crime Prevention & Personal Safety 3.Crime Control & Prevention District 4.Intelligence Led Policing: Tactical & Other Planning & Analysis Strategies 5.Recruitment & Training 6.Internal Operations / Systems / Staffing 7.Financial Planning & Management 8.Technology 9.Facility Planning & Management Neighborhood Crime / School Safety & Youth Neighborhood Patrol Officers CODE BLUE Program Community Based Program School Security Initiative After School Program Violent Crime & Gang Zero Tolerance Teams Expanded Narcotics Gang Unit Graffiti Abatement Police Enhancements Recruitment & Training Technology & Equipment Facilities CCPD Funding Areas
Crime Control & Prevention District Initiative #3 Goal 3.1 – Facilitate the CCPD governing body through a long-range planning process to establish goals & objectives & to determine funding priorities Action Item –B. Assist the governing body to re-evaluate the current CCPD mission and goals and determine if any revisions or additions are needed –C. Assist the governing body in developing objectives to work towards accomplishing each goal
Proposed Revisions Vision – To become the safest major city in the United States Mission Statement – To enhance the Fort Worth Police Department’s ability to provide quality service and to work in partnership with the community to reduce crime and to create a safe environment for all. Goals 1.Manage the budget based on funding priorities. 2.Continue to provide opportunities for citizens to learn about CCPD. 3.Support efforts to reduce violent crime and gang-related activities through enhanced enforcement activities and crime prevention programs. 4.Support efforts to increase the safety of residents and to decrease crime throughout Fort Worth neighborhoods. 5.Support efforts to increase the safety of youth and reduce juvenile crime through crime prevention and intervention programs. 6.Support efforts to enhance crime fighting and prevention tools and efforts through recruitment, training, and retention of high quality officers, technology and equipment, and capital improvements.
Consideration of Proposed Mission Statement & Goals