Redmond Police Functional Plan Update Council Study Session January 14, 2014
Redmond Vision A community of connected neighborhoods with vibrant urban centers – inspired by nature, powered by innovation, and committed to excellence Budgeting PrioritiesComprehensive Plan Police Department Vision Statement The Redmond Police Department is an organization dedicated to customer service and problem solving through collaboration and communication. We work to ensure an environment which values trust, excellence and accountability through leadership. Departmental Mission Statement Community Input Public Safety Delivery Strategies Public Safety Services Capital Facility Major Equipment Requirements Community Outreach Departmental Functional Plan Goals Implementation 2014 to 2016—3 Year Action Plan 2017 to 2030—Long Term Action Plan Performance Measures Outcome Council Input City Values Integrity, Accountability, Commitment to Service Community Input Implement Develop Define Success Track Progress
Three Overarching Strategies 1.Public Safety Services 2.Community Outreach 3.Capital Facility and Major Equipment Requirements
Departmental Functional Plan Goals Standards of Service: To provide excellent police services that meet or exceed nationally recognized standards. Performance Measures: To achieve outcome based performance measures that ensure Redmond remains a place that is safe to live, work, learn, play and invest. Develop Professional Relationships: To build active and positive relationships with our internal and external partners to efficiently achieve the City’s Vision and our organization’s performance measures.
Departmental Functional Plan Goals Training and Equipment: To have an organization that is well trained and properly equipped to effectively and efficiently deliver public safety services. Community Outreach: To develop an engaged community partnership with our residents, who will take an active role in preventing harm and problem solving community concerns. Leveraging Technology: To keep pace with best practices in the use of technology to provide efficient and effective public safety services to our community members.
Trends and Conditions Redmond’s day time and night time population continues to grow. Redmond has enjoyed a decline in reported crime and calls for service over the last three years. To meet the challenges of the future, we must ensure that the police department is properly staffed, equipped and trained.
Performance Measurement Continue to use outcome based performance measures Continue to see a decline in reported crime and calls for service Increase our clearance rates for reported crime Annual number of vehicle collisions remains the same or lower even as traffic volume increases High level of citizen satisfaction
Service Delivery As the City’s population increases and two vibrant urban centers continue to develop, the Police Department must; Evaluate and modify service delivery practices as needed to ensure community safety. Look for opportunities to examine the benefits and challenges of regionalizing specialized services. Assess and evaluate the use of new technologies to deliver police services. Phase in any increase in operational costs during each two year budget cycle.
Community Outreach The Redmond Police Department will continue our community oriented and problem solving policing philosophy. The citizens of Redmond have come to expect their police department to work proactively with them to help solve, prevent and deter crime. A community wide emergency preparedness effort is essential to building a community that is able to sustain itself during any hazard or event.
A draft facility condition assessment of our primary police facility has identified significant maintenance requirements. There is a need to identify back-up facilities for critical information infrastructure for all IS City services. The police department should continue to assess and evaluate the use of technology to improve our level of performance. Capital Requirements
Engaging Our Stakeholders - The Process - Citizen SurveyJuly and August 2013 National Night OutAugust 2013 Mayor and Director Team MeetingsOngoing Community Policing Advisory BoardOctober 2013 Block Watch Captain MeetingOctober 2013 City Council Study SessionJanuary 2014 Planning Commission Study Sessions (3)March 2014 Planning and Public Works CommitteeApril 2014 City Council Study Session and Staff ReportMay 2014 City Council adopts the planMay 2014
Results of our Stakeholder Survey 84% of respondents reported they were satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of service provided by the Redmond Police Department. 81% related that focus on crime prevention programs and community education information was important or very important. 80% of respondents identified disaster and emergency preparedness programs for building community resiliency as important or very important.
Results of our Stakeholder Survey 74% of respondents reported online safety alert messaging was important or very Important. Service Enhancement; 71% of respondents would like to report crime on line. 78% of respondents would like to report crime by telephone. 66% of respondents said a bicycle unit was important or very important for responding to calls for service and routine patrol.
For Successful Implementation, the Functional Plan Needs to Identify… The needs of Overlake and Downtown residents Bi-annual operational needs assessed against the pace of growth and projected resources New technology and its deployment to ensure that we remain at the forefront of controlling crime Public Safety Building maintenance requirements that will preserve this asset and meet future use and space needs
Three Year Action Plan This is an action plan outlining the three service delivery strategies, six goals and objectives to achieve successful implementation of our functional plan efforts in the years Long Term Strategy The long term strategy is a less detailed plan outlining the police departments continued effort to implement our strategy and goal in the years 2017 – 2030.