The American West
Why were the Great Plains originally seen as the ‘Great American Desert’? "I do not hesitate in giving the opinion that it is almost wholly unfit for cultivation, and of course uninhabitable." Major Stephen Long
Remember, if you get asked a general question about how the ‘White Americans’ saw the land, focus on how they saw it after 1840 (Manifest Destiny, ownership, etc) Write one line on how they FIRST saw it as a desert and then write about land useage (mining, farming, ranching) Only write a whole paragraph on the ‘desert’ idea if the question asks for that specifically.
Remember, don’t just write a ‘shopping list’ answer. Explain why each of these features would make the land ‘desert like’. enormous size lack of trees semi-arid - little water available unpredictable weather, including extremely cold and violent winters ferocious winds - the winter 'Northers' and the scorching summer winds many areas flat and featureless inhabited by locusts and grasshoppers
FeaturesProblem Enormous size Getting there in the first place. Isolation when there. Lack of trees Nothing to build houses etc with. Nothing for fuel. Semi-arid - little water available Need for drinking water. Need for water for animals. Unpredictable weather, including extremely cold and violent winters Very difficult to grow crops. Animals died in winter. Ferocious winds The winter 'Northers' brought hail and blizzards. Tornados destroyed houses. Many areas flat and featureless Easy to get lost. Nowhere to get protection from winds. Inhabited by locusts and grasshoppersThese ate any crops. Inhabited by wolvesDangerous to people and livestock.
In all answers, explain why you think what you think! I think this because… For example… They were hated because… This led to…
How did Native Americans see the land?
Sacred Couldn’t own it Everything had a spirit Show Respect High places very spiritual (Black Hills) “Ripping mother’s breast, cutting mother’s hair” Circle of life Ancestors are part of the land
How Warlike were the Sioux? War was based on ambush and skill (eg stealing a tied horse). No one was forced to go to war - individual warriors chose to follow the chief to war or not, as they felt best. The aim of war was to capture horses and to show bravery. The bravest act of war was to score a coup (where a warrior tapped his enemy with a stick and escaped).coup Native Americans scalped their enemy to stop him going to an afterworld they called the Happy Hunting Ground. The main aim in war was to stay alive, in order to care for the family (community spirit).
“Native Americans are savages” Do you agree? Nine times out of ten, this requires a balanced answer and then reaching a judgment
Evidence they are ‘savage’ Evidence they are not ‘savage’ Intro: Briefly describe what ‘savage’ means… Uncivilised, fierce, cruel, unspiritual Conclusion: Reach a judgment. Do you agree or not and say WHY in one line (don’t repeat your whole answer again)
Why was the buffalo so important to the Indians?
Remember, don’t just write a list! Focus on physical and then spiritual elements
Why was the tipi so suited to life on the Plains? What does this source tell us?
Who wrote it? A beautiful tipi is like a good mother. She hugs her children to her and protects them from heat & cold.