The standard orchestra was really established in the Classical period, so orchestral instruments (violins, flutes, trumpets etc.) were by far the most common. Harpsichords were popular for the first half, but then where switched by pianos in the later years of the period. Some instruments from the Baroque were still popular. INSTRUMENTS
The classical music represents the attitude of people during the revolution when rich people where losing power because of democracy. The idea was that people had a voice in the government THE REVOLUTION
Patronage is happening and musicians make the best living by playing for rich people’s parties. Now there are more public theaters in which poorer and simpler people may enjoy the music. Musicians teach lessons and sell their compositions. Their music isn’t own by patrons anymore. PATRONAGE
Lots of repetition Violins have melody or soloist Flutes/woodwinds repeat or violin Steady tempo Short and simple phrases MUSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
It was written by W.A Mozart Rondo Written on January 27, 1756 It includes String Family, the trumpet, French horn, and the oboe The large form is Concerto Concerto means a collection of pieces for a solo instrument. With the orchestra backing it up. The solo instrument is the French Horn HORN CONCERTO #2
YOUNG AGE Mozart was born on January 27,1756 in Salzburg, Austria. Mozart was a multi- instrumentalist who started playing in public at the age of 6. Over the years, Mozart aligned himself with a variety of variety of European venues and patrons, composing hundreds of works that included sonatas, symphonies, masses, concertos and operas, marked by vivid emotion and sophisticated textures.
MOZART'S ADULTHOOD Mozart fell in love with Aloysia Weber. She rejected him so he married Constanze Weber. They had six kids, only two lived to adulthood. Mozart would wake up at six and compose till nine, then he would give lessons till one and then have lunch at someone’s house. Then he would compose late into the night. Mozart could write music faster than any other musician. He could write at meals, while talking, and while playing pool.
DEATH Mozart died of kidney failure in Vienna, Austria in He was only thirty-five. When he died the most expensive things were his walnut piano and his pool table. He composed more than 600 pieces