Fish can also be in the grassland region! Fish can supply food! Fish can also be fun to try and catch on a nice warm day. Also sometimes people catch little fish and use them as pets. This fish in the picture is a rainbow trout, they lay about 800 – 1,000 eggs a year cool right
Rain in the boreal forest can supply water. rain can also FLUD places I know right?
They are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. Tar sands is a mixture of sand, clay, water. In the picture these tar sands look like giant feet. Lol
The Glaciers I am talking about are in the rocky mountains. The Glaciers can supply ice melt. The seal lives in the Glaciers, they dive in find food there.
Tree’s supply wood for houses and fire wood, but without trees we could not breath, the worst thing is that in some areas trees have been cut down to make room for building buildings.
Lakes also supply water to drink and swim in it. Also lakes and rivers are used to get tap water from but first they clean it though.