1 Community Gardens Fort Worth City Council Melody Mitchell, Parks and Community Services; Leann Guzman, City Attorney’s Office and Andy Schoolmaster, Dean of AddRan College of Liberal Arts, Texas Christian University December 15, 2009
2 Community Garden Growing interest in starting community gardens in Fort Worth. Collaboration of community groups and Parks and Community Services, Housing and Economic Development and the City Attorney’s Office Reasons to Lease City Property for Community Gardens –lower city maintenance cost –provide instructional opportunities on gardening –meeting community needs
3 Community Gardens Private/Public Partnership Demonstration Project –Partnership with TCU, Fort Worth South, Fairmount Neighborhood and Master Gardeners of Tarrant County Need for Community Gardens Successful Community Gardens –Milwaukee Wisconsin
4 Lease Agreement Terms City Owned Property 5 year term 3 – 1 year renewal term $1.00 annually lease Deposit for water required Tenant must pay all water and impact fees Leasing Property “As Is”
5 Community Gardens- Lease Terms Insurance Requirements Risk Management insurance recommendations: $ 500,000 General Liability $1,000,000 Auto (if used on City property &/or if delivering portion of produce to food bank or other charity)
6 Community Gardens Additional Terms No illegal or poisonous plants or trees and cacti allowed Gardening during daylight hours No permanent structures No alcohol without a permit and insurance Termination –City has right to terminate for any reason with 30 days notice, but the lease continues until the end of the growing season or December 1
7 Identifying Lease Space Housing and Economic Development staff will identify City surplus fee owned –land not being used or needed for a city purpose Once identified the community group must complete a petition that is circulated to household in a three block radius –Signatures approving the community garden must represent at least 50% of households in the 3 block radius Parks and Community Services and Housing and Economic Development will process the request for a community garden.
8 Proposed Community Garden Location In Fairmount
9 Recommendation/Next Steps Recommend – Place M&C on City Council agenda January 12, 2010 to lease City owned property for Community Gardens Finalize Lease Agreement Work with other community groups who are interested in beginning community gardens to identify other city owned property
10 Community Gardens Questions?