Plant Identification
Scientific Name Categories A-B C-E F-I J-N O-Q R-Z
A-B Abelia X grandiflora Acer palmatum Acer rubrum Ageratum mexicanum Ajuga reptans Aracaria heterophylla Asparagus densiflorus ‘Spengeri’Asparagus densiflorus ‘Spengeri’ Aucuba japonica Begonia X semperflorens-cultorumBegonia X semperflorens-cultorum Berberis thumbergii Betula nigra Buxus sempervirens
C-E Canna X generalis Cercis canadensis Chlorophytum comosum Chrysantheum morifolium Chrysantheum X superbumChrysantheum X superbum Coleus X hybridus Cornus florida X Cupressocyparis leylandiiX Cupressocyparis leylandii Dieffenbachia maculata Epipremnum aureum Euonymous alata Euonymous japonica Euphorbia pulcherrima
F-I Ficus benjamina Ficus elastica Ficus pumila Forsythia X intermediaForsythia X intermedia Hedera helix Hemerocallis cv. Hosta sp. Ilex X attenuata Ilex cornuta Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ Impatiens Iris X germanica var. florentineIris X germanica var. florentine
J-N Juniperus conferta Juniperus horizontalis Lagerstroemia indica Ligustrum japonicum Liquidambar styracifluaLiquidambar styraciflua Liriope muscari Magnolia grandiflora Malus Maranta leuconeura var. kerchovianaMaranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Myrica cerifera Nandina domestica Nephrolepis exaltata
O-Q Ophiopogon japonicusOphiopogon japonicus Pelargonium X hortorumPelargonium X hortorum Pelargonium peltatum Philodendron scandensPhilodendron scandens Pinus mugo var. mugoPinus mugo var. mugo Pinus strobus Plectranthus australis Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Quercus palustris Quercus phellos
R-Z Rhododendron catawbienseRhododendron catawbiense Rhododendron kiusianumRhododendron kiusianum Saintpaulia ionantha Salvia splendens Schefflera arboricola Spathiphyllum cvs. Tagetes erecta Tradescantia zebrina Viola X wittrockiana
Abelia X grandiflora COMMON NAME: Glossy Abelia SIZE: 4-6 feet tall, 3-5 feet wide FORM: Semiglobal, fine texture FOLIAGE: Summer=dark green, fall and winter=bronze-green to bronze-red and bronze-purple FLOWERS: funnel shaped, white with a hint of pink, slightly fragrant
Abelia X grandiflora
Acer palmatum COMMON NAME: Japanese Maple SIZE: feet tall FORM: multi-trunked, variable forms FOLIAGE: simple leaves, opposite, 5-13 cm long, 5-7(9) lobes, color varies with cultivar FRUIT: samara cm long, much incurved, ripen in early fall
Acer palmatum Early Spring growth habit
Acer palmatum Spring to early summer foliage and fruit
Acer rubrum COMMON NAME: Red Maple SIZE: feet tall FORM: ovoid or rounded crown, develops ascending branches FOLIAGE: leaves opposite, simple, 5-10 cm long and wide, usually 3-lobed but often 5, medium to dark green FLOWERS: red FRUIT: samara
Acer rubrum Growth habit in winter and summer
Acer rubrum Fall foliage color
Ageratum mexicanum COMMON NAME: Ageratum SIZE: annual from 6-18 inches tall FLOWERS: clusters of lavender-blue flowers grow on top of compact, neatly- formed plants
Ageratum mexicanum
Ajuga reptans COMMON NAME: Ajuga FORM: evergreen to semi-evergreen rapid-growing groundcover FOLIAGE: ranges from green to bronze to purple FLOWERS: may be rose or white, but most commonly purplish-blue
Ajuga reptans
Aracaria heterophylla COMMON NAME: Norfolk Island Pine SIZE: 2-6 feet tall, 1-4 feet wide FOLIAGE: needle-like, spirally arranged, to 1 ½” long, drooping branches with age FLOWERS: cones, not seen in indoor cultivation
Aracaria heterophylla
Asparagus densiflorus COMMON NAME: Sprengeri fern FOLIAGE: small, linear, soft leaves densely packed on 3 dimensional, trailing stems which have a prickly nature COLORS: dark green, new growth is sometimes light green
Asparagus densiflorus
Aucuba japonica COMMON NAME: Japanese aucuba FORM: evergreen shrub with green stems FOLIAGE: leaves alternate, simple, glossy, green or mottled with yellow FLOWERS: axillary, small, 4-parted, purple-maroon FRUIT: scarlet or rarely yellow berry
Aucuba japonica
Begonia X semperflorens- cultorum COMMON NAME: Wax Begonia FORM: 6 to 15 inches wide, upright mound growth habit FOLIAGE: very glossy, thick, succulent, and ovate leaf blades may be either glabrous or pubescent, having short petioles FLOWERS: corolla is single or double flowering with solid white, shell pink, pink or red petals surrounding a yellow center of stamens or pistils
Begonia X semperflorens- cultorum
Berberis thumbergii COMMON NAME: Japanese Barberry FORM: 3 to 6 feet tall, slightly wider than tall, very twiggy FOLIAGE: ovate shape, significantly wider at the tip than at the base, 0.5 to 1.25 inches long, inches wide FRUIT: bright red berries that color in October
Berberis thumbergii
Summer foliage
Berberis thumbergii Small, but slightly showy flowers
Berberis thumbergii Showy fall and winter berries
Betula nigra COMMON NAME: River Birch FORM: medium sized tree, 50 to 70 feet tall or taller, oval or pyramidal FOLIAGE: lustrous medium or dark green, alternate, simple leaves, doubly serrate margin, diamond shaped leaves FLOWERS: flowers are catkins BARK: showy exfoliating bark
Betula nigra
Diamond-shaped, doubly serrate leaves
Betula nigra Showy, exfoliating bark
Buxus sempervirens COMMON NAME: Common Boxwood FORM: 15 to 20 feet tall with an equal spread FOLIAGE: opposite, elliptical leathery leaves, 0.5 to 1 inch long and half as wide, dark green above yellow green below FRUIT: dehiscent 3 chambered capsule
Buxus sempervirens
Foliage dark green above, yellow-green below
Canna X generalis COMMON NAME: Canna FORM: herbaceous perennial that can grow to seven feet tall and 18 inches wide FOLIAGE: large clasping leaves, dark- green FLOWERS: red, pink, yellow or orange
Canna X generalis
Cercis canadensis COMMON NAME: Eastern Red Bud FORM: a small, deciduous tree, 20 to 30 feet tall, 25 to 35 feet wide, shape is rounded to broad and flat-topped FOLIAGE: wide, heart-shaped leaves, 3” to 5” long and wide FLOWERS: small, purplish-pink pea- like flowers, numerous and appear before the foliage
Cercis canadensis
Chlorophytum comosum COMMON NAME: Spider plant FOLIAGE: arching leaves with cascading wiry stems FLOWERS: small white flowers ID FEATURE: many times will contain tiny plantlets at the apex of leaves
Chlorophytum comosum
Chrysanthemum morifolium COMMON NAME: Florist chrysanthemum FORM: bushy perennial, up to 5 feet tall with a spread of 4 feet FOLIAGE: medium to dark-green lobed leaves FLOWERS: large aster-type flowers with varying colors
Chrysanthemum morifolium
Chrysanthemum X superbum COMMON NAME: Shasta daisy FORM: herbaceous perennial with a height of 30 inches and a spread of 24 inches FLOWERS: produces large flowers suitable for cutting, either white or yellow
Chrysanthemum X superbum
Coleus X hybridus COMMON NAME: Coleus FORM: bushy, herbaceous subshrub, up to 36” tall FOLIAGE: slightly hairy, highly colored, heart-shaped, to 6” long FLOWERS: terminal, whorled racemes, to 6” long of tiny blue or white flowers
Coleus X hybridus
Cornus florida COMMON NAME: Flowering Dogwood FORM: a small deciduous tree, grows to about 30 feet tall with an equal or greater spread FOLIAGE: oval to ovate shape, 3” to 6” long, 1.5” to 3” wide, medium green FLOWERS: small and yellowish-green with four showy white bracts
Cornus florida
Actual flower is yellowish-green center surrounded by four white bracts
X Cupressocyparis leylandii COMMON NAME: Leyland cypress FORM: narrow-leaved evergreen, 65 ft spread, and 12 ft height, columnar form FOLIAGE: small needle like leaves, ends of branches tend to twist FRUIT: round, small cone, ½ to ¾” diameter, brown, rarely found
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
Dieffenbachia maculata COMMON NAME: Dumbcane FORM: erect herb less than 1 meter tall FOLIAGE: petiolate, petiole up to 30 cm long, grooved and winged from the base to beyond the halfway point, surface patterned with many irregular yellowish or cream-green splotches
Dieffenbachia maculata
Epipremnum aureum COMMON NAME: Golden Pothos FORM: evergreen vines with stems green and striped with white or yellow FOLIAGE: heart-shaped, variegated FLOWERS: flowers in a spadix surrounded by a spathe
Epipremnum aureum
Euonymous alata COMMON NAME: Winged Euonymous FORM: deciduous shrub, 15-20’ tall with an equal spread FOLIAGE: simple, elliptic leaves, 1” to 3” long with fine sharp leaf serrations, dark green leaf color BARK: long corky wings on stems
Euonymous alata
Stems have corky wings
Euonymous japonica COMMON NAME: Evergreen Euonymous FORM: evergreen bush to 10 feet tall with a 6 feet spread
Euonymous japonica
Euphorbia pulcherrima COMMON NAME: Poinsettia FORM: shrub FOLIAGE: large alternate leaves with or without teeth on the margin FLOWER: cup-shaped flowers in a cluster above the showy red, pink, or creamy leaf bracts with a large yellow gland on the rim of the flower
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Red petals are actually bracts, not flowers.
Ficus benjamina COMMON NAME: Weeping fig FORM: evergreen shrub or tree with drooping branches FOLIAGE: leaves alternate, simple, long-tipped, glossy FLOWERS & FRUIT: enclosed in a fleshy sac turning from green to orange- red and then purplish-black
Ficus benjamina
Ficus elastica COMMON NAME: rubber plant FORM: straight growing central-stemmed plant FOLIAGE: dark green oval-oblong leaves up to 15 inches long, grow at a 45 degree angle from the main stem
Ficus elastica
Forsythia X intermedia COMMON NAME: Border forsythia FORM: a deciduous shrub 8 to 10 feet tall and 10 to 12 feet wide FOLIAGE: opposite, ovate to lanceolate leaves, toothed margins, 3” to 5” long and 0.5” to 1” wide, medium to dark green color above and lighter on underside FLOWERS: brilliant yellow color
Forsythia X intermedia
Hedera helix COMMON NAME: English Ivy FORM: a vine climbing by aerial rootlets or a prostrate groundcover FOLIAGE: leaves are dark green with white veins, leathery evergreen foliage, alternate leaf arrangement, 1.5 to 4” long, juvenile leaves are 3 to 5 lobed and adult leaves are not lobed
Hedera helix
Hemerocallis cv. COMMON NAME: Day lily FORM: perennial clump-forming plant that grows between 1 ½ feet tall and 3 feet tall FOLIAGE: long, grass-like leaves, medium to dark-green FLOWERS: multiple colors, similar to that of other lilies
Hemerocallis cv.
Hosta sp. COMMON NAME: Hosta FORM: clumping growth habit FOLIAGE: medium green or variegated large clasping leaves with prominent veins FLOWERS: varying colors from white to purple
Hosta sp.
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’ COMMON NAME: Fosteri holly FORM: narrow, pyramidal, grows 20 to 30 feet tall FOLIAGE: elliptic to oblong-ovate, 1 ½ to 3 inches long, margins have 1 to 8 spines FLOWERS: small, cream white, fragrant FRUIT: drupe, orange-red to red, about ¾ in diameter
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’
Ilex cornuta COMMON NAME: Dwarf Burford Holly FORM: medium-sized, dense rounded shrub, 6-10’ tall FOLIAGE: oblong, rectangular, typically spined margin with 5 to as many as 9 spines, 1 ½ to 4” long FLOWERS: dioecious, creamy white FRUIT: drupe, orange-red to red in color, ¼ to 1/3”
Ilex cornuta
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ COMMON NAME: Helleri Holly FORM: evergreen shrub with compact, upright, spreading habit, 6 to 10 feet tall and at least as wide FOLIAGE: dark green, lustrous leaves, evergreen, usually broadest in the middle, leaves mostly 1 to 2 inches long
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ COMMON NAME: Dwarf Yaupon FORM: pyramidal, open small tree, 3 to 4’ tall FOLIAGE: ovate leaves ½ to 1 ½” long FLOWERS: dioecious, creamy white, fragrant FRUIT: drupe, red 3/16”
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’
Impatiens COMMON NAME: Impatiens FORM: tall, leggy annuals, 6 to 18 inches tall and 10 to 24 inches across FLOWERS: variety of colors including red, orange, salmon, rose, pink, white, violet, and lavender blue
Iris X germanica var. florentine COMMON NAME: Bearded Iris FORM: ranges from about 6 inches in the miniatures to more than 3 feet in the large types FOLIAGE: bold, sword-shaped leaves FLOWERS: identified by thick, bushy “beards” on each side of the lower petals
Iris X germanica var. florentine
Juniperus conferta COMMON NAME: Shore juniper FORM: dense, evergreen shrub, branches very flexible, 1 to 2 feet tall and 6 to 9 feet wide FOLIAGE: awl-shaped needles, held in 3’s, needles tend to overlap, tip sharply pointed, concave needles with a white band on upper side and a green line running through the middle
Juniperus conferta
Juniperus horizontalis COMMON NAME: Creeping juniper FORM: dense, evergreen shrub, branches very long and flexible, 1 to 2 feet tall and 4 to 8 feet wide FOLIAGE: two kinds of needles: awl- shaped and scale-like, awls are found in opposite pairs, tip sharply pointed, green to blue-green
Juniperus horizontalis
Lagerstroemia indica COMMON NAME: Crape Myrtle FORM: deciduous shrub to small tree, to 20 feet or more FOLIAGE: oblong-elliptic to rounded, to 2.75 inches long, glabrous or pubescent on veins FLOWERS: pink white or purple calyx tube is showy part BARK: smooth exfoliating bark
Lagerstroemia indica
Ligustrum japonicum COMMON NAME: Japanese Privet FORM: evergreen or deciduous shrub FOLIAGE: leaves simple, opposite, with smooth margins FLOWERS: small, white, 4-parted, tubular, in terminal clusters FRUIT: semi-fleshy, black berry
Ligustrum japonicum
Liquidambar styraciflua COMMON NAME: Sweetgum FORM: deciduous shade tree, typically 60 to 80 feet tall and 40 to 60 feet wide FOLIAGE: alternate “maple-like” star shaped leaves, 5 to 7 lobed, 4-8 inches long and wide FRUIT: 1” to 1.5” spiny balls change from green to brown
Liquidambar styraciflua
Liriope muscari COMMON NAME: Liriope FORM: grass-like perennial 12 to 18 inch tall clumps FOLIAGE: strap-like, arching, glossy, dark green leaves (to 1” wide) FLOWERS: erect, showy flower spikes with tiered whorls of dense, violet-purple flowers
Liriope muscari
Magnolia grandiflora COMMON NAME: Southern Magnolia FORM: a large evergreen tree, 60 to 80 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide FOLIAGE: elliptic leaf shape, 5 to 10 inches long 2 to 5 inches wide, color dark green and pubescent on underside FLOWERS: white flowers, blooms in spring, up to 12” in diameter, saucer shaped
Magnolia grandiflora FRUIT: elongated aggregates of follicles, 3” to 8” long, red seeds, very showy
Magnolia grandiflora
Malus sp. COMMON NAME: Flowering crabapple FORM: height range of 6 to 50 feet with most in the 15 to 25 feet range, form varies from weeping, spreading, columnar, vase-shaped to pyramidal FLOWERS: colors range from white to pink to red
Malus sp.
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana COMMON NAME: Prayer plant FORM: 1 to 2 feet tall FOLIAGE: multi-colored leaves with thick tissue, leaves fold up at night
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana
Myrica cerifera COMMON NAME: Wax Myrtle FORM: aromatic shrub or small tree as clumps of trunks up to 25’ in height FOLIAGE: semi-evergreen leaves FRUIT: waxy gray fruit attached to the twigs, glandular and smell like bayberry when crushed
Myrica cerifera
Nandina domestica COMMON NAME: Heavenly Bamboo FORM: evergreen shrub FOLIAGE: leaves alternate and clasping at base, 2-3 pinnately divided FLOWERS: white in a terminal cluster FRUIT: bright red berries
Nandina domestica
Nephrolepis exaltata COMMON NAME: Boston Fern FORM: evergreen fern, up to 5 feet tall Reproduces by spores located on the bottom side of leaves
Nephrolepis exaltata
Ophiopogon japonicus COMMON NAME: Mondo Grass FORM: mounded herbaceous perennial, similar in appearance to liriope FOLIAGE: long, narrow leaves are about 15 inches long FLOWERS: spikes of flowers are borne in the tufts of leaves so may be hidden
Ophiopogon japonicus
Pelargonium X hortorum COMMON NAME: Geranium FORM: small to medium-sized herbaceous perennial, ranges from 12 to 18 inches tall and 18” to 24” wide, spreading mound growth form FOLIAGE: leaves 3 to 4 inches across, medium to dark green, cordate in shape, bold-textured, thick and clustered
Pelargonium X hortorum FLOWERS: white, pink, red, salmon, orange, violet, and all shades in-between, with bicolors and double flowers available, spherical clusters atop long stiff peduncles
Pelargonium X hortorum
Pelargonium peltatum COMMON NAME: Ivy Leaf Geranium FORM: trailing growth habit, 6 inches in height and 6 inches wide FOLIAGE: ivy-shaped and come in rich green or variegated form FLOWERS: dainty and come in white, pink, lilac, burgundy, or red
Pelargonium peltatum
Petunia sp/Petunia
Philodendron scandens COMMON NAME: Parlor Ivy FORM: trailing growth form FOLIAGE: Heart shaped, glossy, dark green leaves, 4” long and 3” wide
Philodendron scandens
Pinus mugo COMMON NAME: Mugo Pine FORM: evergreen dwarf tree, varies from 5 to 20 feet FOLIAGE: rigid and slightly curved needles in fasicles of 2’s, needles 1 to 2 inches long, bright green color
Pinus mugo
Pinus strobus COMMON NAME: Eastern White Pine FORM: evergreen tree, conical when young, less defined with age, 50 to 80 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide FOLIAGE: light green with a bluish cast, 5 needles per fasicle, thin flexible needles, 4” long, serrated margins FRUIT: light brown cones, 6-8” long
Pinus strobus
Plectranthus australis COMMON NAME: Swedish Ivy FORM: stems trailing to 3 feet FOLIAGE: rounded, glossy, dark green 1- 1 ½” long, scalloped margins FLOWERS: whorled, tubular, pale mauve to white flowers in terminal racemes
Plectranthus australis
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ COMMON NAME: Japanese flowering cherry FORM: a large deciduous tree, 60 to 70 feet tall, round to vase-like shape FOLIAGE: ovate leaf shape, 3” to 5” long and up to 2” wide, serrate margin FLOWERS: range from white to pink FRUIT: blackish purple fruit
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ COMMON NAME: Bradford Pear FORM: a medium-sized deciduous tree, 30 to 40 feet tall and about 1/3 as wide FOLIAGE: ovate leaves that are 2 to 3 inches long and almost as wide FLOWERS: white flowers, 3 inches in diameter, usually peak before leaf set
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Quercus palustris COMMON NAME: Pin oak FORM: a large, deciduous tree, 75 feet tall and 40 feet wide at its maximum FOLIAGE: alternate leaf arrangement with sharply pointed lobes, 5 to 7 lobes each with terminal bristles, 3 to 6” long FRUIT: small acorns around 0.66” to 0.75” in diameter
Quercus palustris
Fruit are pale yellow-green catkins
Quercus phellos COMMON NAME: Willow oak FORM: medium-sized, deciduous tree, 50 to 70 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide FOLIAGE: lanceolate leaf shape, 2 to 5” long, bristle-tipped leaf apex, dark green leaf color FLOWERS: pendulous yellow-brown catkins
Quercus phellos
Rhododendron catawbiense COMMON NAME: Catawba Hybrid Rhododendron FORM: an evergreen shrub, typically 6 to 10 feet tall with an equivalent spread FOLIAGE: evergreen, elliptical leaves 3 to 6” long and 1 to 2” wide, dark green FLOWERS: 2.5” across and funnel- shaped, clusters are 5 to 6” in diameter and comprised of 5 to 10 flowers
Rhododendron catawbiense
Rhododendron kiusianum COMMON NAME: azalea FORM: evergreen and deciduous varieties, large showy shrubs with dense twiggy growth FOLIAGE: elliptical leaves typically 1 to 2 inches long and ½ to 1 inch wide, medium to dark green FLOWER: very similar to rhododendrons in shape and color
Rhododendron kiusianum
Saintpaulia ionantha COMMON NAME: African violet FORM: from miniature varieties of 4 inches wide, to large varieties more than 15 inches wide FOLIAGE: large, flat, succulent, pubescent leaves FLOWERS: varies in color from pink, white, blue, red and bicolor
Saintpaulia ionantha
Salvia splendens COMMON NAME: Salvia FORM: upright growing perennial with a height of.75 to 3.5 feet and a width of.5 to.75 feet FLOWERS: multiple blooms that are red
Salvia splendens
Schefflera arboricola COMMON NAME: Dwarf schefflera FORM: ornamental tree growing up to 7 ½ feet tall FOLIAGE: compound leaf with 8 radiating leaflets which may appear either dull or shiny
Schefflera arboricola
Spathiphyllum cv. COMMON NAME: Peace Lily FORM: perennial herb FOLIAGE: leaves are basal, elongated, pointed at both ends dark green with conspicuously indented veins FLOWERS: small on spadix surrounded by a white or greenish, flat or concave spathe
Spathiphyllum cv.
Tagetes erecta COMMON NAME: African marigold FORM: upright growing annual with a width of 1 foot and a height of 2.5 to 3 feet FLOWERS: aster-like flowers of yellow to orange to red colors
Tagetes erecta
Tradescantia zebrina COMMON NAME: Purple Wandering Jew FORM: trailing vine-like plant, vines can grow to several feet in length FOLIAGE: 2” wide and 4”long leaves that are purple with silver stripes
Tradescantia zebrina
This is actually a green variety of wandering jew.
Viola X wittrockiana COMMON NAME: pansy FORM: low, bushy growing habit with a height of.25 to.75 feet tall and a width of.5 to.75 feet FLOWERS: white, yellow, black, brown, lavender, purple, blue, pink, often with blotches that resemble animals’ faces
Viola X wittrockiana