MAPPing a Pathway to Medical School and other healthcare professions Sue Lafond Assistant Director, Academic Services Health Professions Advising New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences Arizona State University
From Transfer to Graduate
50% of undergraduates attending college in the United States had attended community college at some point of their academic career. ~ American Association of Medical Colleges report 2013
In 2012, of the 33% of applicants with community college credit 41% were accepted to medical school. ~ Greenberg R, AAMC
So what’s changed? Medicine/Medical School Education The New MCAT Today’s Trends in Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Reasons students attend community colleges
Why do students attend Community College? Dual enrollment in High School After High School Before transferring to 4 year college During attendance at a 4 year college After completing a degree program ~ E. Telemantes,
US News & World Reports Top Ten 2015
What about the Top 25? 20% review community college credit on a case by case basis And in Arizona? A.T. Stills Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) 24 th in research Midwestern University University of Arizona – Tucson 63 rd in research & 74 th in primary care University of Arizona – Phoenix*
What do Medical Schools require? Good question! –Coursework, experience, entrance exams, personal statements, letters of recommendation & “that something extra” Traditional Coursework: –General Biology –General Chemistry –Organic Chemistry –Physics –Math beyond College Algebra
And now? Most schools are still looking for the traditional pre-admission requirements The truth of the matter today… it can vary. UACOM PHX
Selecting a pathway for Healthcare Look for programs with –Math beyond College Algebra –Science –Special interest –Academically challenging
Pathways to Arizona State University Maricopa to ASU Pathway Program –MAPPs Transfer Admission Guarantee –TAGs
Biology, BS
Forensics, BS
What if there isn’t a pathway for the program? Students should consult with their academic advisor. Goals? Interests? Timeline?
Biology (Pharmacy/Toxicology), BS
What can your students do right now to be competitive? Get involved –Clubs –Outreach Gain Experience –Volunteer –Shadow Online Resources Test Prep
AAMC & Khan Academy
At ASU? Get involved –Clubs –Outreach Gain Experience –Volunteer –Shadow Online Resources Test Prep
ASU & the Princeton Review
New College
“The goal would be for community colleges, four-year colleges, and medical schools to engage each other and think very intentionally about how to best meet and support the educational and professional needs of the country,” Amy Addams, AAMC director of competency-based admissions
Thank you for your time … Questions?Contact information: Sue Lafond Assistant Director, Academic Services Pre Health Advising New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
citations & acknowledgments American Association of Medical Schools Arizona State University Flaga, C. (2006) The process of transition for community college transfer students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 30(3-19). Greenberg, R. (2014) A growing path to medical school. AAMC Reporter Greenberg, R. (2014) The distance traveled: community college provides pathway to medical school. AAMC Reporter. Khan Academy Porter, S. (2014) Are medical schools overlooking community college grads?. Retrieved from American Academy of Family Physicians website: Prep, V. (2012). How medical school view community college credits. Retrieved from US News & World Reports: Saguil, A., Kellerman, A.L. (2014) The community college pathway to medical school: a road less traveled. Journal of Academic Medicine ( ). Telemantes, E., (2014) Community college pathways: improving the U.S. physician workforce pipeline. Journal of Academic Medicine. 89 ( ). US News and World Reports