Wilfried Buchmüller DESY Wilfried Buchmuller DESY EPS Conference, Cracow, 2009 SUMMARY/OUTLOOK: BEYOND THE STANDARD MODELS PARTICLES & COSMOLOGY
Status of the “Standard Models” at this EPS conference: Particles: wealth of data, all consistent with the SM Astrophysics: no phenomena which are inconsistent with conventional physics Cosmology: remarkably precise data, all consistent with cosmological SM Are there hints for new physics, and if yes, at which energy scale? (my guideline for selective summary!)
Particle Physics: The Standard Model Relativistic quantum field theory, with gauge group SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) and 3 chiral generations of quarks and leptons Current focus: Precision measurements in QCD Electroweak symmetry breaking key quantities: top, W & Higgs masses Flavour Physics & neutrinos Heavy ions & nonperturbative field theory
HERA-PDFs: significantly increased accuracy, some differences compared to previous analyses Schleper
TH/EXP challenge, very important for LHC! Schleper
Meaning of measured “top mass”? Precision is important – new physics in top-Higgs system? Top Quark Mass Measurement Schwanenberger
Higgs production at Tevatron/LHC Conway
Limit on “Higgs Cross Section” Extrapolation of SM to Planck Scale: Higgs mass below 160 GeV! Conway
Impressive Progress: Loops & Legs Anastasiou
Impressive success of CKM model, “no deviation” from Standard Model! Buras
Naive expectation: scale of new flavour physics far beyond electroweak scale
Buras Some processes very sensitive to new physics; SUSY: lepton flavour violation
From RHIC to ALICE study new state of matter...! Giubellino
important for understanding of gauge theories and for cosmology! Wiedemann
Looking Beyond: Theory The Higgs sector: SUSY SM or new strong interactions at the Fermiscale, composite W/Z bosons, large extra dimensions ? GUTs & supersymmetry: extrapolating towards more symmetry Superstrings: embedding of the SM, unification with gravity, predictions for LHC?
SUSY HIGGS 1% parameter space & fine tuning OK ?! Grojean
Different signatures at the LHC!
GUTs: SU(5), SO(10), E6,... Wilczek Right-handed neutrinos have been “found”; no exotics have been found gauge coupling unification with supersymmetry
goes beyond QFT Uranga
Embedding of SM in unified theory including gravity Uranga
Recent development: F-theory constructions, incorporating GUT structure Uranga
Important technique to study nonperturbative effects in field theory Janik
Remarkable consistency between field and string theory! Janik
The role of String Theory: Goes beyond quantum field theory, impressive theoretical framework Not “only” unified theory including SM and gravity, i.e. “theory of everything” Also used for nonperturbative aspects of QFT, in heavy ion physics, Regge limit of QCD, TeV compositeness,... Many interesting new developments; predictions for observable quantities?!
Looking Beyond: CR’s & DM UHECR probe the highest energies Observation of antimatter in the sky may be first hint for dark matter Complementary direct searches and collider experiments may resolve the dark matter puzzle in the next years
clear evidence for GZK cutoff; no topological defects, WIMPzillas,... Kampert
PAMELA & Fermi June 2006 June 2008
PAMELA excess: October 2008, stimulated enormous theoretical activity; note: statistical errors only! Fermi: feature observed by ATIC not confirmed Strumia
Reimer extragalactic diffuse emission, higher energies?
Pulsars: Fermi & PAMELA pulsar parameters “randomly” varied! Grasso et al
Supernovae Remnants: Fermi & PAMELA only contributions from KNOWN supernovae remnants! Morselli
Dark Matter: theory Dark matter particles at the Fermi scale, related to supersymmetry? Strumia
Watch boost factor! DM particles too heavy for SUSY to be relevant for LHC Strumia
Decaying dark matter became rather popular after PAMELA; DM particles very heavy; consequences for LHC remain to be worked out Strumia
sensitivity has reached predictions of SUGRA models! Aprile
CR’s & DM: Summary Evidence for primary positron flux! Astrophysical explanations: pulsars, supernovae remnants, uncertainties! Dark matter also possible explanation, annihilating DM (watch boost factor!) or decaying DM, but heavy masses! Implications for LHC and cosmology! Wait for Fermi-LAT results on diffuse gamma-ray flux, line signal?!
Looking Beyond: Cosmology & Gravitational Waves Since supernovae and CMB data precision cosmology & Cosmological Standard Model Fundamental questions unanswered: nature of dark energy? Gravitional waves may open new window to very early universe
precision cosmology: dark matter, dark energy,..., imprint of inflation,... Mukhanov
The cosmological constant... Pauli ~1927 Mukhanov
mostly question marks... Mukhanov
remarkable improvement of sensitivity! Danzmann Gravitational Waves
next generation of detectors will yield signal! Danzmann
Reheating temperature from frequency measurement! Yokoyama
Looking beyond : Summary Energy scales of NEW PHYSICS: electroweak physics: > 5 TeV flavour physics: > 1000 TeV dark matter: ~10-10*(10) GeV baryo/leptogenesis: ~100-10*(10) GeV GUTs, inflation, gravitational waves: ~10*(15) GeV...but ~ 1 TeV cannot be excluded! WHAT CAN WE EXPECT AT THE LHC?
Two Paths Beyond... A: New strong interactions at the Fermi scale: composite W & Z bosons (photon elementary), composite top, large extra dimensions... B: Extrapolation of Standard Model far beyond the electroweak scale, with more symmetries becoming visible: supersymmetry, grand unification,...
Nicolaus Copernicus Studied in Cracow and Renaissance Italy (Bologna, Padua,...). Worked for 30 years in his church tower (part time) to understand the motion of the planets. Obtained simple picture with high symmetry, proven by data only 70 years later...
Does he worry about his authorities or the truth or...?
Two views of the world A’: a little complicated... B’: simpler, more symmetry... Both pictures described the observational data...
Experiment will tell... AUGER, PLANCK,... & collider experiments...
CMS is ready... Virdee
ATLAS is ready... Gianotti
LHC is ready... Jenni
THANKS !!! to the Organizing Committee Antoni Szczurek, Marek Jeżabek & their team and our colleagues in Cracow for their hospitality in a beautiful city