By Alfonso De Torres Núñez Kentucky Department of Education World Languages Consultant
WHAT STANDARDS? The Kentucky Standards for World Languages Proficiency WHAT IS IT? A description of the competencies a Kentucky World Language learner should demonstrate at 3 of 5 proficiency levels as defined by the 2012 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
ANYTHING BEFORE? 2009 Kentucky Standards for World Languages CHANGES FROM 2009 TO NOW? Basic proficiency approach, format and structure is the same. Use of LinguaFolio® can-do statements remains. However, to align the standards to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, an update was necessary. Also, to address Classical Languages and American Sign Language. Finally, intercultural competency can do statements were developed to address interculturality.
RATIONALE? Focus on performance Aims to build learner’s capacity to use the language Prepare students to compete in an international job market Prepare students to live in a diverse world Response to the need of providing clear description of what a learner can do Intent to recognize everyone can learn a language
PURPOSE? To clarify the process of language learning To understand what learners need to know To understand what learners are able to do For learners So they know what they can learn For teachers So they know what they have to teach For parents, administrators, and other stakeholders So they know what learners are expected to do, what teachers are expected to teach
WHAT GRADE LEVEL? All of them: The Standards outlines the progression of learner skills The amount of time spent in the target language is critical CONNECTIONS Other content areas such as ELA or SOCIAL STUDIES, contain four strands: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. Strands represented in the National Standards for Learning Languages (the 5 Cs) by the Communication standards.
COMMUNICATION Reading Writing Speaking Listening Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational
ORGANIZATION MAIN STANDARD Every learner will use a world language, in addition to English, to engage in meaningful, intercultural communication, understand and interpret the spoken and written language, and present information, concepts and ideas in local and global communities. Through learning the language, learners will connect with other disciplines and gain an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures and compare the language and cultures learned with their own.
HOW? INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCIES Investigation of Cultures’ Products and Practices Understanding of Cultures’ Perspectives Participation in Cultural Interaction
WHAT ELSE? Standard as the mission and vision that drives all language-learning decisions. Core competency as “ I can” statements to ensure that all elements of language learning and interculturality are appropriately balanced. Benchmark as statements to establish the expectations for learner performance at the identified proficiency level. Learning indicators to identify measurable, attainable goals. Sample learning targets as examples of real-world contexts that can facilitate and motivate language learning.
HOW TO ADDRESS INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCIES What is Intercultural Competence? The demonstration of interaction between the use of language skills and cultural knowledge. It requires both the ability to use the language and to behave appropriately in cultural contexts. Teachers become the facilitators of culture. It is a critical responsibility. Use of target language is critical.
GAME 3 levels of proficiency: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced 3 sub-levels in each of them: Low, Mid, High Identify the specific level needed for working in a job WHAT LEVEL OF PROFICIENCY IS NEEDED FOR…?
Human Resources Advanced High
Cashier Intermediate Mid
Tour Guide in a Stand Intermediate High
Actor / Actress Advanced Mid
Recepcionist Intermediate Low
Dr. Seuss ????? “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to change. It’s not.”
Time for a Break :)
CASL Classroom Assessment for Student Learning
Materials carefully selected to be the foundation of building classroom assessment literacy and skill throughout the Commonwealth. Built on a wealth of knowledge and research which shows that there are some key practices that improve student learning and motivation. The goal is that Kentucky educators use a common language in the standards deconstruction process.
Deconstructing is a Systems Approach Deconstructing standards is not a “Pick and Choose” menu of activities Use all components of the process to insure Fidelity
What goes in the ? Box? Deconstruct Standards into Learning Targets Student Achievement Increases ?
Quality Learning Targets are… Accomplished in a few days at most As opposed to long term Specific to what and how As opposed to global and somewhat ambiguous Usually consist of concept (noun), skill (verb), and often a specified context As opposed to lacking one or more of the components Should be written in student friendly terms. (I can, or I am able to) Enable student to “see the target” and define what success will look like.
Criteria for Quality Targets Each target should clearly align to and support attainment of the standard. Each target should be clear to the teacher and to the student and focus on what is to be LEARNED, not just an activity. When looking at the deconstructed targets for a standard, it is helpful to look for others with experience in the same content, to assure that the learning targets drive the students towards the standard. THE TUNING PROTOCOL This is known as the THE TUNING PROTOCOL
The Tuning Protocol Using a Protocol to Improve Practice A tuning protocol is a “way a teacher presents actual work before a group of thoughtful ‘critical friends’ in a structured reflective discourse aimed at ‘tuning’ the work to higher standards.” Joe McDonald in “Three Pictures of an Exhibition” (1995)
Weak Learning Targets… Reflect misunderstanding of the intent of the standard. Deconstruction would be considered weak if: The target(s) lack developmental continuity. The target fails to adequately address the content/concept(s) in the standard.
All Learning Targets are NOT Created Equal Standard TypeUnderpinning Learning Targets Knowledge ReasoningKnowledge + Reasoning SkillKnowledge + Reasoning + Skill ProductKnowledge + Reasoning + Skill + Product
Type of Target Example Arts Learning Targets Knowledge Identify and describe elements in artworks Identify and write notes on a treble clef staff Reasoning Compare purposes of chosen artworks Evaluate quality of own work to refine it SkillPerform using appropriate artistic expression Demonstrate skill level through performance or in products Intentionally apply artistic elements in performances or products
Type of Target Example Arts Learning Targets Product Create a new work of art Perform for others (performance/production) Improvise in an artistic context DispositionalValues practice for its own sake Wants to participate in community arts
Flow Chart
Okay, so how can we do it in World Languages?
One example
Jessamine County Elementary Spanish 2 nd grade 50 minutes class 1 day per week
Now, your turn!
Choose one learning indicator and break it into different learning targets And what about the assessment?
Where do I find it?
NEW!!! Kentucky Department of Education - World Languages webpage