NRP meeting - EQAVET Sophie Weisswange Brussels, 16/11/2007 Update on the European VET policy context
2 Bruges review of Copenhagen process Europe 2020 – Implementation of the flagship initiatives –Youth on the Move –New skills for jobs
3 Bruges review Roadmap 19 November 2010: adoption of the Council Conclusions by the Education Ministers of 27 EU Member States 5 December 2010 (5 pm): DGVT meeting on Draft Communiqué [6 December 2010: Bruges Conference on Quality Assurance] 7 December 2010: Informal Council of Ministers – adoption of the Bruges Communiqué by 33 EU countries
4 Sources for the Bruges Communiqué (and Council Conclusions) New strategy “Europe 2020” (including quantitative headline targets) Framework “Education and Training 2020” (see titles of the strategic objectives) Cedefop findings and stock-taking report (answers to the questionnaire) Commission Communication on VET (June 2010)
5 Copenhagen process Priorities As mentioned in the Declaration (2002): -European dimension: to facilitate mobility and to raise the profile of European VET -Transparency, information and guidance -Quality assurance -Recognition of competences and qualifications: comparability and transferability, validation of non-formal and informal learning, reference levels
6 Vision on VET in 2020 In 2020 VET should be more: Attractive: relevant to the labour market, opening doors to progression routes in E & T, quality assured, with qualified T & T Accessible and flexible: career-oriented; permeability between subsystems of E&T Inclusive: also for high potentials & disadvantaged; supported by LLL guidance Supporting internationalisation of the economy and transnational mobility
7 1. Enhance attractiveness, quality and relevance of VET Making initial VET an attractive learning option (of the same value as general education): quality of T&T, relevant vocational competences, key competences, career management skills, up-to- date equipment, work-based learning in all IVET, monitoring transitions to work Fostering quality and excellence: implementation of EQAVET, national frameworks for QA in VET compatible to EQAVET, quality of VET professionals (teachers, trainers, etc.) Partnerships needed with social partners, other E&T institutions, other stakeholders… Enhancing labour market relevance: better matching of VET curricula to labour market needs – work-based learning / apprenticeships Progression routes / permeability between I-VET and C-VET, to HE or school education – dialogue / European tools
8 2. Making LLL and mobility a reality Actively promote C-VET for up-dating and up-skilling of the workforce Easy access to VET; flexible pathways = career- oriented and equally accessible to women and men National procedures for validation of non-formal and informal learning; making easy access to E&T or work Comprehensive NQFs supporting permeability between VET and HE; VET on higher EQF levels Better integrated lifelong guidance and counselling: cooperation between actors / information exchange Boost mobility in VET: EU mobility programmes and European tools (EQF, ECVET, Europass)
9 3. Enhance creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship Stimulate contacts and partnerships between VET institutions and innovative enterprises, design centres, research centres More attention for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in VET content and learning methods The use of innovative learning methods and ICT tools for motivating learners and to prevent early school leaving in initial VET
10 4. Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship More attention for key competences in VET “All young people should be qualified” – maximise the contribution of VET to reducing the number of early school leavers (see 10% head target in “Europe 2020”) Increased participation of low-skilled adults in C-VET (cooperation with adult learning, flexible pathways) “No dead ends in VET” - progression routes from VET – the role of comprehensive NQF's Non discrimination: extra support for disadvantaged people Promote active citizenship in VET
11 5. Transversal objectives Greater involvement of stakeholders (e.g. social partners, VET-providers) Wider and coherent communication Indicating the added value of European tools Coordinated use and governance of the tools; synergy with instruments of the Bologna process Cooperation between different policy domains: Employment, Welfare, Youth, Culture … (see Integrated Guidelines) Comparable data on VET for evidence-based EU policy making Make use of EU funds (ESF, LLP …) + “EU Governance”: more coordination, please
12 EQAVET Strategic objectives for MS should establish quality assurance frameworks in accordance with EQAVET recommendation MS should - by the end of 2015 – establish at national level a common quality assurance framework for VET providers –Which also applies to workplace learning –Which is compatible with the EQAVET framework
13 EQAVET Short-term deliverables for Actions at national level –Take adequate measures to implement the EQAVET Recommendation and make progress towards national quality assurance frameworks for VET Support at EU level –Guidance and technical support for EQAVET implementation –Review the implementation of EQAVET in 2013 –Thematic networking of QA projects with LDV programme
14 EU 2020 5 headlines targets –R&D –Employment –Environment –Education and training (ESL – HE or equival) –Social inclusions 7 flagships inititiatives –In the field of E&T: YoM + NSNJ
15 Youth on the Move Framework strategy with four action lines: 1.“Modern education and training systems”: actions to improve schools, VET, recognition of non-formal/informal learning etc. 2.“Higher education”: specific actions to make higher education more attractive / effective 3.“Learning and employment mobility”: actions to promote training + work abroad as a way to gain skills / experience 4.“Youth Employment Framework”: active labour market policies + reform of labour market rules
16 Youth on the Move Legal texts foreseen Copenhagen/Bruges review Council recommendation on reducing early school leavers (2010) Council recommendation on the promotion and validation of non formal and informal learning (2011) Council recommendation on promoting the learning mobility of young people
17 Youth on the Move Communication on competences supporting lifelong learning (2011) Communication on a new agenda for higher education (2011) Creation of a High level group on literacy Quality framework for traineeships Publish guidance on the European Court of Justice rulings on the rights of mobile students (2010)
18 Youth on the Move Other actions Education & training 5 million young people in Europe should be able to enrol in apprenticeship training by the end of 2012 multi-dimensional global university ranking system Propose a multiannual Strategic Innovation Agenda (2011)
19 Youth on the Move Other actions employment Monitor the application of the EU legislation on freedom of workers Create in 2010 a ‘European Vacancy Monitor’ Establish a systematic monitoring of the situation of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs).
20 Youth on the Move Propose a European Skills Passport (2011) Develop a Youth on the Move card Develop a new initiative: ‘Your first EURES job’ Youth on the Move website for information on EU learning and mobility opportunities (2010)
21 Youth on the Move Financial support Commission will identify the most effective support measures Establish, with the support of the PROGRESS programme, a new Mutual Learning Programme for European Public Employment Services (2010), Encourage the greater use of support to potential young entrepreneurs via the new European Progress Micro-finance Facility Commission will also strengthen bilateral and regional policy dialogue on youth employment with the EU’s strategic partners and the European Neighbourhood, and within international fora, particularly the ILO, OECD and G20.
22 Various EQF guidance notes –One on synergy between transparency instruments ECVET thematic networking Hungarian presidency –High level conference on increasing attractivness of VET
23 Various (continued) Communication an agenda for new skills for jobs Communication on benchmark on mobility and employability