CITRIS’ Education mission Afternoon Breakout Session Co-Chairs... John Canny (UCB) and Pat Mantey (UCSC)
Attendees Benson Tongue Mark Hayes Ben Yoo Alex Cuthbert Larry Rowe Nelson Max Deb Agarwal Ben Warren Boza Stojadinovic Emil Sarpa Jean Paul Jacob Pat Mantey Mike Clancy James Landay Jim Slotta Thomas Kalil Juan Pestana John Canny Paul Wright Missed anyone ?? (all addresses unless shown otherwise)
Short talks on Smart-classrooms, Tele-laboratories, and Education Began with presentations by… 1) John Canny (CS) –Review of NEES tele-laboratory, “PRoPs” autonomous robots, TVI student successes, Live-notes 2) Mike Clancy (CS) –Review of “Smart pedagogy”, Use for Merced’s lower division, Creating tools for “course building”/learning 3) Jim Slotta (Education at UCB) –Review of WISE, enhances Web-based inquiry in science, adoption by teachers growing, customizable content etc, curriculum designer, sequencer, course portal
Short talks on Smart-classrooms, Tele-laboratories, and Education 4) Pat Mantey (CS and Dean at UC Santa Cruz) –Review of MS in Network Engineering in two matched program (Cupertino and UCSC), additions to current facilities for asynchronous mode, need for pre-requisites in link to community colleges (math, stats, intro. eng.), need for faster links, need to identify faculty reward structure 5) James Landay (CS) –Review of team-based learning, feedback, monitoring of progress, mentoring, peer review, self-assessment, discussion on new rooms and interaction spaces (distributed collaborative environments) -- need both computers and cameras and interaction spaces --
Discussion and questions 1. What are the specific goals from the CITRIS-education areas that can link to the main CITRIS-research projects 2. Various concerns on video/webcasting connection quality between sites and among sites (latency concerns etc.) 3. Need to address industry needs too, not just the campus connections 4. How to encourage participation...