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Tekst starter uden punktopstilling For at få punkt- opstilling på teksten, brug forøg indrykning For at få venstre- stillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug formindsk indrykning Overskrift her For at ændre ”Enhedens navn” og ”Sted og dato”: Klik i menulinjen, vælg ”Indsæt” > ”Sidehoved / Sidefod”. Indføj ”Sted og dato” i feltet for dato og ”Enhedens navn” i Sidefod Socio-economic differences: life and death of the poor København, 11 September 2014 Dias 2 SAXO Institute
København, 11 September 2014 Dias 3 Antonovsky 1967 Marmot 2003; Link & Phelan 1995; Cassel 1967 (Riley 2001; Woods & Sheldon 2000) CONSTANCY DIVERGENCE The evolution of SES mortality differences in the past Similar mortality The poor die more The rich die more The Industrial Revolution DIVERGENCE- CONVERGENCE
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 4 Richness of aggregated sources and contemporaries’ accounts BUT with serious limitations
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 5 STATES INDIVIDUAL High % Inmigrants and High Literacy rate Inmigrants had a higher literacy rate Why aren’t they the same? Migrants settled in states with higher literacy rates ( Example from Robinson (1950) using 1860s US census data) Limitations: the aggregate and the individual (the ecological fallacy) (Assuming that what is true for aggregates is true for individuals) LOWER
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 6 Deaths Population Mortality rate Unregistered Migrants = Limitations: mismatch of numbers
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 7 MORTALITY FERTILITY NUPTIALITY MIGRATION Limitations: false homogeneity
The promise of linked individual data SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 8 Birth Marriage Birth Miscarriage Birth Father death Birth Child death Husband death Move Child marries Child migrates 2nd marriage Death Mother death Maria Her mother Her father Her husband København Frederiksberg Her children
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 9 -Reaching the people without history and the most basic aspects of their lives: tension vs. agency and constraints -Contextualizing people and lives in households and families -Implementing the life course approach in historical research: studying how different events at different times affected their lives The potential gains ONGOING WORK IN THIS DIRECTION Scania & Sundsvall valley (Sweden) Alghero, Casuguidi and Madregolo (Italy) Quebec (Canada) Geneva (Switzerland) Netherlands HPS (Netherlands) Derbyshire (England) Rosny-sous-Boi (France) TRA (France) COR for Antwerp (Belgium) Norway Population Registry (Norway) Transilvania Population History Aranjuez (Spain) … -Tracking changes over generations -Comparing with other settings
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Dias 10 - Rural areas or small towns The reasonable of limits of the individual-level data: size and scope Little variability No full effects of modernization process - Small number of events - Sample selection bias Impossible to study scarce events Uncertainty in results Unrepresentativeness of particular groups Uncertainty in results
A Tale of two Cities: inequality in death in Copenhagen and Madrid in late 19th and early 20th century. AIM To explore and understand how socio-economic differences arose in the particular lives of individuals and to what extent it was mediated by other individual and contextual characteristics HOW Linked individual level data Household level information+vital events Two major European cities: Wide variability Sufficient numbers Full coverage But… Reduced length of study: 3-5 years
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 13 For Madrid
The Copenhagen Population Database SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 14 Census 1880 Census 1885
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 15 Census 1880 Census 1885 Scanned Transcribed The Copenhagen Population Database Census records
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 16 Census 1880 Census 1885 Deaths The Copenhagen Population Database
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 17 Census 1880 Census 1885 Deaths Scanned Transcribed The Copenhagen Population Database Death certificates
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 18 Census 1880 Census 1885 Deaths Migration The Copenhagen Population Database
Census 1885 SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 19 Census 1880 Deaths Migration The Copenhagen Population Database Police Migration Records Scanned Transcribed
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 20 Census 1880 Census 1885 Births 1880 Deaths Migration The Copenhagen Population Database
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 21 Census 1880 Census 1885 Births 1880 Deaths Migration Scanned Transcribed The Copenhagen Population Database Parish Books
Reconstruction of partial lifecourses in Copenhagen, SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide CENSUS INFORMATION Age Sex Marital status HH position Occupation Rent Place of birth Place of residence Religion Disabilities … For infants: Parents, family connections, etc SAME INDIVIDUAL AND HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION DEATH MIGRATION Also study of infant and early childhood
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 23 Contributions - Socio-economic differences in mortality - Nuanced view of life and death in the city - Focus on vulnerable populations - International comparison But also, a take-off platform for many more studies…
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 24 Census 1880 Census 1885 Births 1880 Deaths Migration Marriages Births The Copenhagen Population Database: Extended Version
SAXO Institute København, 11 September 2014 Slide 25 København, 11 September 2014 Slide 25 Conscription records Hospital records Company records School records Tax records Union records Insurance records Copenhangen Population Database University records Survey information POLITIETS REGISTERBLADE HGIS The Copenhagen Population Database: More Extended Version
A Tale of two Cities: inequality in death in Copenhagen and Madrid in late 19th and early 20th century. Thank you for your attention! Bárbara Revuelta-Eugercios And... want to help?