CELDT Speaking Practice Activities Speech Functions Grades 6-8.


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Presentation transcript:

CELDT Speaking Practice Activities Speech Functions Grades 6-8

Speech Functions is the second portion of the Speaking test, which examines the students’ ability to make a request based on a given scenario. Typically, scenarios are based on a conduct in an academic setting. Teacher: Reads the prompt. Student Test Booklet: (Not shown anything) Questions: 5-7 questions on the CELDT Problem Areas: Students focus on the wrong area when answering “You want to visit your counselor to get a college application and ask him what you need to do to graduate. What would ask your counselor?” Incorrect Answer: “What do I need to do to get into college?”)

Speech Functions Practice

Scoring Rubric

Say: Now I’m going to tell you about some situations that could happen to you. Then, tell me what you would say.

Day One A teacher tells the class: Let’s take a minute to talk about how we will turn in homework. Starting on Monday, I am not going to walk around each morning to collect your homework. Instead, you will drop your homework in the basket on my desk. What is the teacher talking about? A. the answers to a homework assignment B. a new way of turning in homework C. when a book report is due

Day One Copies of a worksheet were handed down your row, but you didn’t receive one. When would you notify your teacher, and what would you ask him? I would say, ____________________, I would ask him,_________________?

Day One You are in the library and can’t find the magazine article you need. You want the librarian to help you locate the article. What question would you ask the librarian? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Two You return from the office to find the class working on an assignment. What question should you ask and to whom? I would talk to my ___________, and I would ask him (her, them), ________.

Day Two You are working on a class assignment, and you have a painful headache. What should you ask your teacher? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Two You notice that a student is wearing his shirt inside-out after changing from P.E. What would you say to him? I would ask him,_________________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Three You are planning a pool party and inviting several of your friends. You want each person to bring a swimsuit and a towel. What would you say to them? I would ask them,________________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Three You noticed everyone is laughing except you. What question should you ask? I would ask them,________________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Three You are supposed to turn in your library book today, but you forgot it at home. What question should you ask? I would ask her (him, them),________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Four Imagine you are introducing your parents to your teacher at Back to School Night. How would you introduce them? I would say, _____________________.

Day Four Imagine that you have to leave class early and will miss some of the notes the teacher is giving in class. Ask the student next to you for help. (Be specific with your request.) I would ask her (him),____________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Four You just finished solving a math problem and would like your teacher to check if you did it correctly. What should you ask her? I would ask her,__________________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Five As you are sitting at your desk, the sun starts to shine in your eyes. You want to close the blinds. What should you ask the teacher? I would ask him (her),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Five Imagine you want to learn more about playing on a soccer team. Once you find out who the coach is, what would you ask him or her? I would ask him (her),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

Day Five The person next to you is using his cell phone, and the teacher is accusing you. What do you tell the teacher? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.