By: Miss Michelle M. Brand Pine Grove Area Elementary School PSCA President-Elect
Promotes academic, career, and personal/social development Works from a formal curriculum that focuses on student competencies grouped by developmental domains and specified by grade level pre k – 12 Supports the academic mission and strategic plan of the school Is data drive and accountable Is delivered to all students Be advocates and leaders of systemic change
◦ A framework for school counselors to meet within PA Chapters 12 and 330. Chapter 12 – requires that each school entity prepare a written student services plan, including a school counseling component, based on the needs of its students and consistent with the district’s strategic plan requirements. Chapter 339 – mandates a comprehensive and integrated Pre K -12 guidance plan.
ASCA PERSONAL/SOCIAL STANDARDS Pennsylvania Interpersonal Standards Pennsylvania School Climate Standards
Components of the SIS Framework HIGH EXPECTATIONS MEANINGFUL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT CONNECTIVENESS & BONDING SKILLS FOR LIFE CLEAR & CONSISTENT BOUNDARIES UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT Clear & Consistent Boundaries High Expectations Meaningful Student Engagement Connectiveness & Bonding Skills for Life Unconditional Support Strong Results for Students
RICULUM FRAMEWORK BIG IDEA: Recognizing thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of self and others enables one to cooperate, communicate, and constructively interact with others. CONCEPT:COMPETENCY: A Effective Communication includes verbal and nonverbal language used to convey meaning from the sender to the receiver. B.Respecting the attitudes, opinions and beliefs of others even when they differ from personal attitudes, opinions, and beliefs is essential for social growth. C.Cooperating with others within and outside of one’s current social network maximizes opportunities to expand understanding of self and others. D. Self-awareness is the foundation to awareness and acceptance of others. Analyze ways their behavior may affect the feelings of others and adjust accordingly (B, D) Provide support and encouragement to others in need (C) Show respect for other people’s perspectives (B) Employ positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others (A) Develop constructive relationships (C) Demonstrate the ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways (A, C)
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Don’t Laugh at Me: SAP – Elementary and Secondary: Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports (PA): ects1.aspx ects1.aspx Character Counts:
Stop Bullying Now: You’ve got to be kidding: /index.html /index.html Out on a Limb: We Do Listen: Teachable Moments: Carl Sommers Learning: Advanced Publishing:
ASCA Academic Standards PA Academic Standards ◦ Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening ◦ Mathematics ◦ Science and Technology and Engineering Education ◦ Environment and Ecology ◦ Civics and Government ◦ Economics ◦ Geography ◦ History ◦ Arts and Humanities ◦ Healthy, Safety, and Physical Education ◦ Family and Consumer Sciences ◦ World Languages ◦ Career Education and Work ◦ Driver’s Education
SAS – PA Standards Aligned System: RTII – Response to Instruction and Intervention – Elementary (PA): Intervention.aspx Intervention.aspx RTII – Response to Instruction and Intervention – Secondary (PA): RtISecondaryToolkit.aspx RtISecondaryToolkit.aspx
Graphic Organizers Update/Graphic%20Organizers.htm 20Update/Graphic%20Organizers.htm Intervention Central Irsis Center -
Helping Children Succeed in School - cfm cfm Homework Tips for Parents: ve/homework/index.html ve/homework/index.html DYSLEXIA - National Center for Learning Disabilities:
Accommodations Changes the “how” Does not change what a student is expected to learn. Curriculum remains the same Students are taught to the grade level academic standards Students are assessed by the PSSA with accommodations Differentiated Instruction Respectful and meaningful tasks Flexible grouping Teacher/students collaborate Teachers value student difference Content critical Modifications Changes the “what” Changes what a student is expected to learn Students may be taught grade level academic standards or the alternate standards Students may be assessed with PSSA- M or PASA Key Principles
Students who are College and Career Ready in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Language. ◦ 1. They demonstrate independence. ◦ 2. They build strong content knowledge. ◦ 3. They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline. ◦ 4. They comprehend as well as critique. ◦ 5. They value evidence. ◦ 6. They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. ◦ 7. They com to understand other perspectives and cultures.
ASCA Career Standards Pennsylvania Career and Work Standards
Career View: Kuder Galaxy: Career Videos - pation.asp?id=27,&nodeid=28 pation.asp?id=27,&nodeid=28 Occupational Outlook Handbook PA Career Zone Education Planner -
The Fun Works - Website - Holland Types & Pathway Matches /lib/ /Identify_Your_Pathway.doc /lib/ /Identify_Your_Pathway.doc Website or book - Pennsylvania Career Guide School guidance office or Virtual Job Shadow -
Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania19 The Curriculum Framework specifies what is to be taught for each subject in the curriculum. In Pennsylvania, Curriculum Frameworks include: Big Ideas Concepts Competencies Essential Questions The Curriculum Framework is aligned to Standards and, where appropriate, Eligible Content. Clear Standards Curriculum Framework Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Student Achievement Fair Assessments
Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania20 Student Achievement Clear Standards Materials & Resources Instruction Interventions Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework Materials and resources include: Voluntary Model Curriculum (VMC), incorporating learning progressions, Units and lesson plans Content resources aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards
Presenter Information Michelle M. Brand Pine Grove Area Elementary School 107 School Street Pine Grove, PA (570) ext 447