supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally EE ‘One Organisation’ roadshow workshop (Organisational Components)
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Developing Organisational Components
Customer Architecture Services Customer Satisfaction Customer Profiling Customer take up Organisational Architecture Asset Customer Insight Customer Needs Powers and Duties PartnerRole Cost Process Activities
Pilot project – Council tax Can Pay Can’t Pay Struggling to pay Attributes Middle-aged Directors HH Income over £50,000 Professional occupations Housing worth over £500k Expensive cars. Action Strong message on need to pay immediately and the benefits of paying by direct debit Attributes Older people Very low incomes Low savings State benefits Some small bungalows Sheltered housing Look forward to visits Action More understanding approach. Financial literacy and debt advice. Encourage opening a bank account Aim to encourage long term ability to pay. Attributes Older houses Small industrial towns Close knit communities Foreign package holidays Former Coalfield areas HH income approx £15,000- £25,000 Action Softer message. Look at payment plans Direct debit payments as a future option. Potential benefits entitlement
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Fragmented view of the Customer Typically, different parts of the council deliver services to the same customer (or customer groups) Insight are not shared which is a consequence of silo based structures e.g. Unemployed may require a package of support involving HB, Income Support and training Creating holistic insight into customers’ needs – demands some pointed questions and answers about how the organisation is designed. Analysing its processes and mapping it onto current structures, represents a first step towards identifying where shortcomings lie and in pointing the way towards an improved way of working.
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Organisational Architecture Provide the evidence of what is happening within the organisation(s) to enable mangers to make informed decisions Provide the means to gather information from across the organisation(s) in a common language to provide the insight to identify opportunities to improve services and find potential savings
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Powers and Duties Generic Processes Roles Activities (List) Assets Case Management Strategy Costs Partners Organisational components
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Powers and Duties
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Lincs CC Core Process to Service Mapping
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Process Dimensions (informs who is ‘acting’ on the Generic Process ) Generic Process Case Management Strategy
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Process Dimensions (Inform who is ‘acting’ on the generic processes) 1.Casethe what needs to be done to handle a given piece of work (or a ‘case’) 2.Managementthe actions needed in planning, scheduling, resourcing how case processes are handled 3. Strategystanding back from day-to-day work to ask wider questions of why a given case process exists, whether it meets the needs of its customers and whether any changes are needed. [ Martin Ould (2005) Business Process Management - A Rigorous Approach ( SBN )
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Staff acting on ‘Cross-Cutting’ Processes in an example Council for: Case, Management, Strategy Cross CuttingCaseMgtStrat’Expected Recruitment and Selection 18194Case - occurs in every organisational unit with similar activities Management -managing the flow of recruitment cases occurs once in the organisation e.g. in HR or, at worse, appears once in each top level branch Strategy - should only be determined once in an organisation e.g. in the HR organisation unit e.g. Workforce Planning Absences22193Case - occurs in every organisational unit with similar activities Management -managing the flow of absence cases occurs once e.g. in HR/Occupational Health Strategy - should be determined once in an organisation e.g. in the HR organisation unit
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Map – Generic Process – under CMS to each LGSL item? LGSL No 2 - School Clothing Grant CaseManagementStrategy Provide InformationInterpret LegislationDevelop Policy Make PaymentsManage Operational performance Plan Strategy Deal with complaint 8 others others.....
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Activities Activities sit at the level below the Generic Processes Having a list of standard activities or an ‘Activity Directory’ will allow greater understanding of the work the individuals are doing which would allow for more joining-up or shared working In the ‘on-line’ version of the Cost Architecture - Activities will keyed as free text but prompted as the user types by other activities previously input by all organisations that match the letters typed – in this way we may be able to build a standard list of Activities over time.
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Activity examples Activities associated with the Generic Process – ‘Take payment (Income)’ may include: –Bills adjustings –Cash processing –Cash receipts –Cheques processing –Closing accounts –Information data input –etc, etc.
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Roles A particular process may occur a number of times across an organisation. Capturing the ‘roles’ (and understanding and reviewing the required competencies /skills) behind the process can provide evidence as to the need for a particular process to occur separately a number of times across the council. In the ‘on-line’ version of the Cost Architecture - roles will keyed as free text but prompted as the user types by other roles previously input by all organisations that match the letters typed – in this way we may be able to build a standard list of roles over time
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Inspection mapping Some services involved in the Generic Process – ‘Inspection’ o Audit and fraud prevention o Benefits admin o Building and facilities o Common Lettings and allocations o Electoral registration o Food safety o Green spaces / parks o Highways o Licensing o Sports and recreation o Town Centre Management o Waste Management
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative esd Support Please register on esd-toolkit : and then use the ‘My Profile’ button which is next to your login details to subscribe to the Cost Architecture forum; Cost Architecture community site; Lead facilitator: Peter Wrigley, mail: