What is KFGC? What Does It Provide For You? How Can You Get involved?
Importance of Forages in KY Over seven million acres are used to produce forage crop annually in the state. 5 million acres of permanent pasture 2 million acres of grass and grass/legume hay and haylage 320,000 acres of alfalfa hay 140,000 corn silage
What is KFGC? Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council is a state-wide organization in which everyone interested in forages can work together to improve the forage/livestock industry in Kentucky.
What is KFGC’s Primary Purpose? The primary purpose of the KFGC is to promote the value of forages through local and regional conferences and tours, various publications, sponsoring research trials, awards to outstanding producers, and working with other state and national organizations.
Who can belong to KFGC? Anyone with an interest in forages! Three major sectors: Private: Forage and livestock producers Public: Educators, Researchers, Agencies Industry: Seed companies, herbicide companies, fencing companies, etc.
KFGC Sponsored Activities Educational conferences such as –KY Grazing Conference –KY Alfalfa Conference Annual KFGC Field Day Grazing Schools and Master Grazer program Awards Programs – Forage Spokesperson contest – Annual Hay Quality contest
Members Receive KY Monthly Newsletter
Annual Memberships Your KFGC membership enrolls you in Kentucky’s premier forage organization and provides membership in the American Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC), which is the only unified voice representing forages in this country.
AFGC Benefits As an AFGC member you will receive the national newsletter “The Forage Leader” and the national Forage magazine “Hay and Forage Grower.”
Get Involved With KFGC
Consider Joining Today – Only $25